የሐረጉ መጽሐፍ

am ብልት   »   en Genitive

99 [ዘጠና ዘጠኝ]



99 [ninety-nine]


ትርጉሙን እንዴት ማየት እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ፡-   
አማርኛ እንግሊዝኛ (UK) ይጫወቱ ተጨማሪ
የሴት ጋደኛዬ ድመት m---irlf-i----- -at m_ g___________ c__ m- g-r-f-i-n-’- c-t ------------------- my girlfriend’s cat 0
የሴት ጋደኛዬ ውሻ my-boy-r-e--’s --g m_ b__________ d__ m- b-y-r-e-d-s d-g ------------------ my boyfriend’s dog 0
የልጆቼ መጫወቻዎች m---h--dren-s-t-ys m_ c_________ t___ m- c-i-d-e-’- t-y- ------------------ my children’s toys 0
ይሄ የባልደረባዬ ካፖርት ነው። T-is ----y--ol-e-gu-’- overcoa-. T___ i_ m_ c__________ o________ T-i- i- m- c-l-e-g-e-s o-e-c-a-. -------------------------------- This is my colleague’s overcoat. 0
ይሄ የሴት ባልደረባዬ መኪና ነው። T-a- is m- -ol-ea----s--a-. T___ i_ m_ c__________ c___ T-a- i- m- c-l-e-g-e-s c-r- --------------------------- That is my colleague’s car. 0
ይሄ የባልደረቦቼ ስራ ነው። Th-- -- my c-l-e---es’-wor-. T___ i_ m_ c__________ w____ T-a- i- m- c-l-e-g-e-’ w-r-. ---------------------------- That is my colleagues’ work. 0
የሸሚዙ ቁልፍ ወልቃል። The-bu--o- -----t-- s-irt-is---n-. T__ b_____ f___ t__ s____ i_ g____ T-e b-t-o- f-o- t-e s-i-t i- g-n-. ---------------------------------- The button from the shirt is gone. 0
የመኪና ማቆሚያጋራዥ ቁልፍ የለም። The -arage--e-------n-. T__ g_____ k__ i_ g____ T-e g-r-g- k-y i- g-n-. ----------------------- The garage key is gone. 0
የአለቃው ኮምፒተር ተበላሽቷል። The boss---o-put-r i- -ot--o-k-n-. T__ b____ c_______ i_ n__ w_______ T-e b-s-’ c-m-u-e- i- n-t w-r-i-g- ---------------------------------- The boss’ computer is not working. 0
የልጃገረዶቹ ወላጆች እነማን ናቸው? W-- a-- -h- g-rl-s -ar-n--? W__ a__ t__ g_____ p_______ W-o a-e t-e g-r-’- p-r-n-s- --------------------------- Who are the girl’s parents? 0
እንዴት ነው ወደ ወላጆቿ ቤት የምደርሰው? H----o---g-t to--er---re-ts’-ho-s-? H__ d_ I g__ t_ h__ p_______ h_____ H-w d- I g-t t- h-r p-r-n-s- h-u-e- ----------------------------------- How do I get to her parents’ house? 0
ቤቱ የሚገኘው የመንገዱ መጨረሻ ላይ ነው። T-- h--s- is -t---e-e-d -f-th---o--. T__ h____ i_ a_ t__ e__ o_ t__ r____ T-e h-u-e i- a- t-e e-d o- t-e r-a-. ------------------------------------ The house is at the end of the road. 0
የስዊዘርላንድ ዋና ከተማ ስም ምን ይባላል? W----is t-- na-e--- -h---a---a- --t- -- -w-tzerlan-? W___ i_ t__ n___ o_ t__ c______ c___ o_ S___________ W-a- i- t-e n-m- o- t-e c-p-t-l c-t- o- S-i-z-r-a-d- ---------------------------------------------------- What is the name of the capital city of Switzerland? 0
የመፅሐፉ እርእስ ምን ይባላል? What-is t-- --tl- -f the -o-k? W___ i_ t__ t____ o_ t__ b____ W-a- i- t-e t-t-e o- t-e b-o-? ------------------------------ What is the title of the book? 0
የጎረቤቶቹ ልጆች ስማቸው ማን ይባላል? W-a---re -----a--- of -h- --ighb-u-’----nei-h-o--s (---)-chi--re-? W___ a__ t__ n____ o_ t__ n__________ / n_________ (____ c________ W-a- a-e t-e n-m-s o- t-e n-i-h-o-r-s / n-i-h-o-’- (-m-) c-i-d-e-? ------------------------------------------------------------------ What are the names of the neighbour’s / neighbor’s (am.) children? 0
የልጆች እረፍቶች መቼ ናቸው? Wh-n -re-t-- c-i-dre-’----lida-s? W___ a__ t__ c_________ h________ W-e- a-e t-e c-i-d-e-’- h-l-d-y-? --------------------------------- When are the children’s holidays? 0
ዶክተሮች ምክር የሚሰጡባቸው ሰኣቶች የትኞቹ ናቸው? Wh-t---- -he -o-to--- c---ult--i-- tim-s? W___ a__ t__ d_______ c___________ t_____ W-a- a-e t-e d-c-o-’- c-n-u-t-t-o- t-m-s- ----------------------------------------- What are the doctor’s consultation times? 0
ቤተ-መዘክሩ ክፍት የሚሆንባቸው ሰዓቶች የትኞቹ ናቸው? Wh---ti-e -s---- --s-u- --en? W___ t___ i_ t__ m_____ o____ W-a- t-m- i- t-e m-s-u- o-e-? ----------------------------- What time is the museum open? 0


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