
em At the restaurant 1   »   zh 在餐馆1

29 [twenty-nine]

At the restaurant 1

At the restaurant 1


29 [Èrshíjiǔ]


zài cānguǎn 1

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Is this table taken? 这张 桌子 是---的 吗 ? 这_ 桌_ 是 空__ 吗 ? 这- 桌- 是 空-的 吗 ? --------------- 这张 桌子 是 空着的 吗 ? 0
z-i -ā-guǎ- 1 z__ c______ 1 z-i c-n-u-n 1 ------------- zài cānguǎn 1
I would like the menu, please. 我-- 看-下--单 。 我 要 看__ 菜_ 。 我 要 看-下 菜- 。 ------------ 我 要 看一下 菜单 。 0
z-i -ā---ǎ- 1 z__ c______ 1 z-i c-n-u-n 1 ------------- zài cānguǎn 1
What would you recommend? 您 --- - -荐--么-- ? 您 能 给 我 推_ 什_ 菜 ? 您 能 给 我 推- 什- 菜 ? ----------------- 您 能 给 我 推荐 什么 菜 ? 0
z-- z-ā-g -hu-z- shì -ōn--he d----? z__ z____ z_____ s__ k______ d_ m__ z-è z-ā-g z-u-z- s-ì k-n-z-e d- m-? ----------------------------------- zhè zhāng zhuōzi shì kōngzhe de ma?
I’d like a beer. 我-要------ 。 我 要 一_ 啤_ 。 我 要 一- 啤- 。 ----------- 我 要 一个 啤酒 。 0
z---z--n- ---ō-i ----kō--zhe de ma? z__ z____ z_____ s__ k______ d_ m__ z-è z-ā-g z-u-z- s-ì k-n-z-e d- m-? ----------------------------------- zhè zhāng zhuōzi shì kōngzhe de ma?
I’d like a mineral water. 我-要 -- 矿---。 我 要 一_ 矿__ 。 我 要 一- 矿-水 。 ------------ 我 要 一个 矿泉水 。 0
zh---h--- ---ōzi s-- k-n-zhe d- ma? z__ z____ z_____ s__ k______ d_ m__ z-è z-ā-g z-u-z- s-ì k-n-z-e d- m-? ----------------------------------- zhè zhāng zhuōzi shì kōngzhe de ma?
I’d like an orange juice. 我 要-一---汁-。 我 要 一_ 橙_ 。 我 要 一- 橙- 。 ----------- 我 要 一个 橙汁 。 0
W- y-o-kàn yīxi- cà-d-n. W_ y__ k__ y____ c______ W- y-o k-n y-x-à c-i-ā-. ------------------------ Wǒ yào kàn yīxià càidān.
I’d like a coffee. 我-要 一- -啡-。 我 要 一_ 咖_ 。 我 要 一- 咖- 。 ----------- 我 要 一杯 咖啡 。 0
W---ào-k----ī-i----id--. W_ y__ k__ y____ c______ W- y-o k-n y-x-à c-i-ā-. ------------------------ Wǒ yào kàn yīxià càidān.
I’d like a coffee with milk. 我-要--杯 咖啡 加 牛--。 我 要 一_ 咖_ 加 牛_ 。 我 要 一- 咖- 加 牛- 。 ---------------- 我 要 一杯 咖啡 加 牛奶 。 0
W- yà--k-n -ī------i---. W_ y__ k__ y____ c______ W- y-o k-n y-x-à c-i-ā-. ------------------------ Wǒ yào kàn yīxià càidān.
With sugar, please. 请 - 我 -- 。 请 给 我 加_ 。 请 给 我 加- 。 ---------- 请 给 我 加糖 。 0
Nín---n---ěi -- t-īj-----hénm- -ài? N__ n___ g__ w_ t______ s_____ c___ N-n n-n- g-i w- t-ī-i-n s-é-m- c-i- ----------------------------------- Nín néng gěi wǒ tuījiàn shénme cài?
I’d like a tea. 我----杯 茶 。 我 要 一_ 茶 。 我 要 一- 茶 。 ---------- 我 要 一杯 茶 。 0
N-n n------- -----ī-----shénm--cài? N__ n___ g__ w_ t______ s_____ c___ N-n n-n- g-i w- t-ī-i-n s-é-m- c-i- ----------------------------------- Nín néng gěi wǒ tuījiàn shénme cài?
I’d like a tea with lemon. 我 要--- 加-檬的 茶-。 我 要 一_ 加___ 茶 。 我 要 一- 加-檬- 茶 。 --------------- 我 要 一杯 加柠檬的 茶 。 0
Nín-------ěi-wǒ tu--iàn-sh-n-e-c--? N__ n___ g__ w_ t______ s_____ c___ N-n n-n- g-i w- t-ī-i-n s-é-m- c-i- ----------------------------------- Nín néng gěi wǒ tuījiàn shénme cài?
I’d like a tea with milk. 我 要 一杯--牛-- 茶-。 我 要 一_ 加___ 茶 。 我 要 一- 加-奶- 茶 。 --------------- 我 要 一杯 加牛奶的 茶 。 0
W--y-o--ī---p-ji-. W_ y__ y___ p_____ W- y-o y-g- p-j-ǔ- ------------------ Wǒ yào yīgè píjiǔ.
Do you have cigarettes? 您-有--- 吗-? 您 有 香_ 吗 ? 您 有 香- 吗 ? ---------- 您 有 香烟 吗 ? 0
W--yà--y--- -í-i-. W_ y__ y___ p_____ W- y-o y-g- p-j-ǔ- ------------------ Wǒ yào yīgè píjiǔ.
Do you have an ashtray? 您 有---缸-- ? 您 有 烟__ 吗 ? 您 有 烟-缸 吗 ? ----------- 您 有 烟灰缸 吗 ? 0
W--yà- yīgè--íji-. W_ y__ y___ p_____ W- y-o y-g- p-j-ǔ- ------------------ Wǒ yào yīgè píjiǔ.
Do you have a light? 您 --打火机 --? 您 有 打__ 吗 ? 您 有 打-机 吗 ? ----------- 您 有 打火机 吗 ? 0
Wǒ--ào y-g-----n-qu-n -h--. W_ y__ y___ k________ s____ W- y-o y-g- k-à-g-u-n s-u-. --------------------------- Wǒ yào yīgè kuàngquán shuǐ.
I’m missing a fork. 我--少-一个-叉子 。 我 缺_ 一_ 叉_ 。 我 缺- 一- 叉- 。 ------------ 我 缺少 一个 叉子 。 0
Wǒ---o yīg--k-à----á- -huǐ. W_ y__ y___ k________ s____ W- y-o y-g- k-à-g-u-n s-u-. --------------------------- Wǒ yào yīgè kuàngquán shuǐ.
I’m missing a knife. 我 -少 -- - 。 我 缺_ 一_ 刀 。 我 缺- 一- 刀 。 ----------- 我 缺少 一把 刀 。 0
W--yà--yīgè ku-ngq-án----ǐ. W_ y__ y___ k________ s____ W- y-o y-g- k-à-g-u-n s-u-. --------------------------- Wǒ yào yīgè kuàngquán shuǐ.
I’m missing a spoon. 我-----个 -- 。 我 缺_ 一_ 勺_ 。 我 缺- 一- 勺- 。 ------------ 我 缺少 一个 勺子 。 0
W---à--yīg- c-én-zh-. W_ y__ y___ c________ W- y-o y-g- c-é-g-h-. --------------------- Wǒ yào yīgè chéngzhī.

Grammar prevents lies!

Every language has particular features. But some also have characteristics that are unique worldwide. Among these languages is Trio. Trio is a Native American language in South America. Around 2,000 people in Brazil and Suriname speak it. What makes Trio special is its grammar. Because it forces its speakers to always tell the truth. The so-called frustrative ending is responsible for this. This ending is added to verbs in Trio. It indicates how true a sentence is. A simple example explains how exactly it works. Let's take the sentence The child went to school. In Trio, the speaker has to add a certain ending onto the verb. Through the ending he is able to communicate whether he saw the child himself. But he can also express that he only knows it from speaking to others. Or he says through the ending that he knows it's a lie. So the speaker has to commit to what he is saying. Meaning, he must communicate how true a statement is. In this way he cannot keep anything a secret or sugarcoat anything. If a Trio speaker leaves the ending off, he is deemed a liar. In Suriname the official language is Dutch. Translations from Dutch into Trio are often problematic. Because most languages are much less precise. They make it possible for the speakers to be vague. Therefore, interpreters don't always commit to what they are saying. The communication with Trio speakers is thereby difficult. Perhaps the frustrative ending would be helpful in other languages too!? Not only in the language of politics…
Did you know?
Macedonian is the native language of around 2 million people. It is counted among the South Slavic languages. It is most closely related to Bulgarian. Speakers of both languages can communicate with each other easily. The two languages differ from each other more in their written forms. There have always been many different ethnic groups in Macedonia. Naturally, this is also apparent in the vernacular. It has been influenced by numerous other languages. The neighboring country of Serbia has especially influenced the Macedonian language. The vocabulary contains many terms from Russian, Turkish, and English. Such linguistic variety does not exist in many countries. That is why it has been difficult for Macedonian to establish itself as its own language. Macedonian literature has especially suffered from this situation. Macedonian is now considered an established standard language. For this reason, it is an important part of the Macedonian identity.