
em On the train   »   sr У возу

34 [thirty-four]

On the train

On the train

34 [тридесет и четири]

34 [trideset i četiri]

У возу

U vozu

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English (US) Serbian Play More
Is that the train to Berlin? Д--ли je--о-воз ---Берл--? Д_ л_ j_ т_ в__ з_ Б______ Д- л- j- т- в-з з- Б-р-и-? -------------------------- Да ли je то воз за Берлин? 0
U-v--u U v___ U v-z- ------ U vozu
When does the train leave? Ка-- креће во-? К___ к____ в___ К-д- к-е-е в-з- --------------- Када креће воз? 0
U--o-u U v___ U v-z- ------ U vozu
When does the train arrive in Berlin? Ка-а с--же -оз-у Бер-ин? К___ с____ в__ у Б______ К-д- с-и-е в-з у Б-р-и-? ------------------------ Када стиже воз у Берлин? 0
Da li -e to---z -- Be-li-? D_ l_ j_ t_ v__ z_ B______ D- l- j- t- v-z z- B-r-i-? -------------------------- Da li je to voz za Berlin?
Excuse me, may I pass? И--и----- с-е- -- -р---? И________ с___ л_ п_____ И-в-н-т-, с-е- л- п-о-и- ------------------------ Извините, смем ли проћи? 0
Da l- -- -o--oz-z--Ber-in? D_ l_ j_ t_ v__ z_ B______ D- l- j- t- v-z z- B-r-i-? -------------------------- Da li je to voz za Berlin?
I think this is my seat. М----м-да--е--о м--- м-ст-. М_____ д_ ј_ т_ м___ м_____ М-с-и- д- ј- т- м-ј- м-с-о- --------------------------- Мислим да је то моје место. 0
D--l--je to--oz za Berl-n? D_ l_ j_ t_ v__ z_ B______ D- l- j- t- v-z z- B-r-i-? -------------------------- Da li je to voz za Berlin?
I think you’re sitting in my seat. М-сл-- -- с---те на мом м--ту. М_____ д_ с_____ н_ м__ м_____ М-с-и- д- с-д-т- н- м-м м-с-у- ------------------------------ Мислим да седите на мом месту. 0
Ka-----e----vo-? K___ k____ v___ K-d- k-e-́- v-z- ---------------- Kada kreće voz?
Where is the sleeper? Г-- ---кола з- сп-в---? Г__ с_ к___ з_ с_______ Г-е с- к-л- з- с-а-а-е- ----------------------- Где су кола за спавање? 0
K--- k-eć- ---? K___ k____ v___ K-d- k-e-́- v-z- ---------------- Kada kreće voz?
The sleeper is at the end of the train. К-ла-за----в--е -у н- к---у----а. К___ з_ с______ с_ н_ к____ в____ К-л- з- с-а-а-е с- н- к-а-у в-з-. --------------------------------- Кола за спавање су на крају воза. 0
Kada kr---e -o-? K___ k____ v___ K-d- k-e-́- v-z- ---------------- Kada kreće voz?
And where is the dining car? – At the front. А -де -е в--о- -- -уч-ва--? - -а -----ку. А г__ ј_ в____ з_ р________ – Н_ п_______ А г-е ј- в-г-н з- р-ч-в-њ-? – Н- п-ч-т-у- ----------------------------------------- А где је вагон за ручавање? – На почетку. 0
Ka-a-stiž--vo--u -e----? K___ s____ v__ u B______ K-d- s-i-e v-z u B-r-i-? ------------------------ Kada stiže voz u Berlin?
Can I sleep below? Мо-у----с--в-т- -о-е? М___ л_ с______ д____ М-г- л- с-а-а-и д-л-? --------------------- Могу ли спавати доле? 0
Ka---sti-e---z-----rl--? K___ s____ v__ u B______ K-d- s-i-e v-z u B-r-i-? ------------------------ Kada stiže voz u Berlin?
Can I sleep in the middle? Мог--л- ---ват- - с--дин-? М___ л_ с______ у с_______ М-г- л- с-а-а-и у с-е-и-и- -------------------------- Могу ли спавати у средини? 0
K-----ti-e--o--- B-rlin? K___ s____ v__ u B______ K-d- s-i-e v-z u B-r-i-? ------------------------ Kada stiže voz u Berlin?
Can I sleep at the top? Мо-у ли--п-в-ти ---е? М___ л_ с______ г____ М-г- л- с-а-а-и г-р-? --------------------- Могу ли спавати горе? 0
I--i--t-, s--m li--roć-? I________ s___ l_ p_____ I-v-n-t-, s-e- l- p-o-́-? ------------------------- Izvinite, smem li proći?
When will we get to the border? Када---о-на -р-н-ци? К___ с__ н_ г_______ К-д- с-о н- г-а-и-и- -------------------- Када смо на граници? 0
I---n-te, -mem -i -r-ć-? I________ s___ l_ p_____ I-v-n-t-, s-e- l- p-o-́-? ------------------------- Izvinite, smem li proći?
How long does the journey to Berlin take? К-лик- -р-ј---ож------Берлин-? К_____ т____ в____ д_ Б_______ К-л-к- т-а-е в-ж-а д- Б-р-и-а- ------------------------------ Колико траје вожња до Берлина? 0
Izv--i-e---mem--i--r-c--? I________ s___ l_ p_____ I-v-n-t-, s-e- l- p-o-́-? ------------------------- Izvinite, smem li proći?
Is the train delayed? Д- -и --- к-с--? Д_ л_ в__ к_____ Д- л- в-з к-с-и- ---------------- Да ли воз касни? 0
Mi-li- -- ----o m--e----to. M_____ d_ j_ t_ m___ m_____ M-s-i- d- j- t- m-j- m-s-o- --------------------------- Mislim da je to moje mesto.
Do you have something to read? Им--е ли--еш---з- ----ти? И____ л_ н____ з_ ч______ И-а-е л- н-ш-о з- ч-т-т-? ------------------------- Имате ли нешто за читати? 0
Misl---d--j- -o--o-e m--to. M_____ d_ j_ t_ m___ m_____ M-s-i- d- j- t- m-j- m-s-o- --------------------------- Mislim da je to moje mesto.
Can one get something to eat and to drink here? М-ж- -и -----де-доб--- -е--о за--ес-и-- пити? М___ л_ с_ о___ д_____ н____ з_ ј____ и п____ М-ж- л- с- о-д- д-б-т- н-ш-о з- ј-с-и и п-т-? --------------------------------------------- Може ли се овде добити нешто за јести и пити? 0
M--l-m-da-----o --je -----. M_____ d_ j_ t_ m___ m_____ M-s-i- d- j- t- m-j- m-s-o- --------------------------- Mislim da je to moje mesto.
Could you please wake me up at 7 o’clock? Да-л- б-с-е-м---ол-м про---и-- у-- ч--ова? Д_ л_ б____ м_ м____ п________ у 7 ч______ Д- л- б-с-е м- м-л-м п-о-у-и-и у 7 ч-с-в-? ------------------------------------------ Да ли бисте ме молим пробудили у 7 часова? 0
Misli- -- -edi-- ----o--m--t-. M_____ d_ s_____ n_ m__ m_____ M-s-i- d- s-d-t- n- m-m m-s-u- ------------------------------ Mislim da sedite na mom mestu.

Babies are lip readers!

When babies are learning to speak, they pay attention to their parents' mouths. Developmental psychologists have figured this out. Babies begin to read lips around six months of age. This way they learn how they must form their mouth to produce sounds. When babies are a year old, they can already understand a few words. From this age on they begin to look people in the eyes again. In doing so they get a lot of important information. By looking into their eyes, they can tell if their parents are happy or sad. They get to know the world of feelings in this way. It gets interesting when someone speaks to them in a foreign language. Then babies begin to read lips all over again. In this way they learn how to form foreign sounds as well. Therefore, when you speak with babies you should always look at them. Aside from that, babies need dialogue for their language development. In particular, parents often repeat what babies say. Babies thus receive feedback. That is very important for infants. Then they know that they are understood. This confirmation motivates babies. They continue to have fun learning to speak. So it's not enough to play audiotapes for babies. Studies prove that babies really are able to read lips. In experiments, infants were shown videos without sound. There were both native language and foreign language videos. The babies looked longer at the videos in their own language. They were noticeably more attentive in doing so. But the first words of babies are the same worldwide. "Mum" and "Dad" – easy to say in all languages!
Did you know?
Polish is counted among the West Slavic languages. It is the native language of more than 45 million people. These people live primarily in Poland and in several Eastern European countries. Polish emigrants took their language to other continents as well. As a result, there are approximately 60 million Polish speakers worldwide. It is the most-spoken Slavic language after Russian. Polish is closely related to Czech and Slovakian. The modern Polish language developed from different dialects. Today there are hardly any dialects because most Poles use the standard language. The Polish alphabet is written in Latin letters and consists of 35 letters. The last but one syllable of a word is always accented. The grammar contains seven cases and three genders. This means almost every word ending is declined or conjugated. As a result Polish is not necessarily considered the easiest of languages. But it will soon be one of the more important European languages!