
em To have to do something / must   »   kk бірдеңе істеу керек / міндет

72 [seventy-two]

To have to do something / must

To have to do something / must

72 [жетпіс екі]

72 [jetpis eki]

бірдеңе істеу керек / міндет

birdeñe istew kerek / mindet

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English (US) Kazakh Play More
must істе- ---ек /-мі-детті-бо-у і____ к____ / м_______ б___ і-т-у к-р-к / м-н-е-т- б-л- --------------------------- істеу керек / міндетті болу 0
b-r---- i-te- k---k / --n-et b______ i____ k____ / m_____ b-r-e-e i-t-w k-r-k / m-n-e- ---------------------------- birdeñe istew kerek / mindet
I must post the letter. Маа-а---а-т- --б-р- -е---. М_____ х____ ж_____ к_____ М-а-а- х-т-ы ж-б-р- к-р-к- -------------------------- Мааған хатты жіберу керек. 0
b-r-eñ- is--w --rek-/ m---et b______ i____ k____ / m_____ b-r-e-e i-t-w k-r-k / m-n-e- ---------------------------- birdeñe istew kerek / mindet
I must pay the hotel. М-------нақ-үй-і--а-ы------ле- ке-е-. М____ қ____ ү____ а_____ т____ к_____ М-ғ-н қ-н-қ ү-д-ң а-ы-ы- т-л-у к-р-к- ------------------------------------- Маған қонақ үйдің ақысын төлеу керек. 0
i-t---k--e- /--i------ -olw i____ k____ / m_______ b___ i-t-w k-r-k / m-n-e-t- b-l- --------------------------- istew kerek / mindetti bolw
You must get up early. С-ғ-н ерте ---у-к--е-. С____ е___ т___ к_____ С-ғ-н е-т- т-р- к-р-к- ---------------------- Саған ерте тұру керек. 0
i--e- --r-- - ---d-t---b-lw i____ k____ / m_______ b___ i-t-w k-r-k / m-n-e-t- b-l- --------------------------- istew kerek / mindetti bolw
You must work a lot. Са-ан к-п ж-мы- істе----рек. С____ к__ ж____ і____ к_____ С-ғ-н к-п ж-м-с і-т-у к-р-к- ---------------------------- Саған көп жұмыс істеу керек. 0
istew--er---- -inde-ti b-lw i____ k____ / m_______ b___ i-t-w k-r-k / m-n-e-t- b-l- --------------------------- istew kerek / mindetti bolw
You must be punctual. С-ған уақыт--ен --ру --ре-. С____ у________ ж___ к_____ С-ғ-н у-қ-т-м-н ж-р- к-р-к- --------------------------- Саған уақытымен жүру керек. 0
M--ğa----t-ı ji--r---erek. M_____ x____ j_____ k_____ M-a-a- x-t-ı j-b-r- k-r-k- -------------------------- Maağan xattı jiberw kerek.
He must fuel / get petrol / get gas (am.). Оғ-- --н--ма- қ--ып а-у--ерек. О___ ж_______ қ____ а__ к_____ О-а- ж-н-р-а- қ-й-п а-у к-р-к- ------------------------------ Оған жанармай құйып алу керек. 0
M-------at-ı--i---w --rek. M_____ x____ j_____ k_____ M-a-a- x-t-ı j-b-r- k-r-k- -------------------------- Maağan xattı jiberw kerek.
He must repair the car. О--н-к-л-кті-жө--еп --у--е-ек. О___ к______ ж_____ а__ к_____ О-а- к-л-к-і ж-н-е- а-у к-р-к- ------------------------------ Оған көлікті жөндеп алу керек. 0
M-a--n xa-t- ji---w-k-rek. M_____ x____ j_____ k_____ M-a-a- x-t-ı j-b-r- k-r-k- -------------------------- Maağan xattı jiberw kerek.
He must wash the car. Оға--кө--кті-жу----р-к. О___ к______ ж__ к_____ О-а- к-л-к-і ж-у к-р-к- ----------------------- Оған көлікті жуу керек. 0
M-ğ-n-qon-q----iñ -qı-ın-tö-ew----e-. M____ q____ ü____ a_____ t____ k_____ M-ğ-n q-n-q ü-d-ñ a-ı-ı- t-l-w k-r-k- ------------------------------------- Mağan qonaq üydiñ aqısın tölew kerek.
She must shop. О-а--с-у-- жас-у к-р-к. О___ с____ ж____ к_____ О-а- с-у-а ж-с-у к-р-к- ----------------------- Оған сауда жасау керек. 0
Mağ-- qo-aq -y--ñ-aqı--n-t-l-w k-r--. M____ q____ ü____ a_____ t____ k_____ M-ğ-n q-n-q ü-d-ñ a-ı-ı- t-l-w k-r-k- ------------------------------------- Mağan qonaq üydiñ aqısın tölew kerek.
She must clean the apartment. Оғ-- пәт-р-і ж--а------к. О___ п______ ж____ к_____ О-а- п-т-р-і ж-н-у к-р-к- ------------------------- Оған пәтерді жинау керек. 0
M--an ---a- -yd-----ıs---t-le--k-rek. M____ q____ ü____ a_____ t____ k_____ M-ğ-n q-n-q ü-d-ñ a-ı-ı- t-l-w k-r-k- ------------------------------------- Mağan qonaq üydiñ aqısın tölew kerek.
She must wash the clothes. Оған--ір-ж-у--ере-. О___ к__ ж__ к_____ О-а- к-р ж-у к-р-к- ------------------- Оған кір жуу керек. 0
Sağ------- --r- k-rek. S____ e___ t___ k_____ S-ğ-n e-t- t-r- k-r-k- ---------------------- Sağan erte turw kerek.
We must go to school at once. Бі--------р-мек--п-- ба-у-кере-. Б____ қ____ м_______ б___ к_____ Б-з-е қ-з-р м-к-е-к- б-р- к-р-к- -------------------------------- Бізге қазір мектепке бару керек. 0
Sağa--er-e t-r------k. S____ e___ t___ k_____ S-ğ-n e-t- t-r- k-r-k- ---------------------- Sağan erte turw kerek.
We must go to work at once. Б-зг- -а------мы--а б-ру -е--к. Б____ қ____ ж______ б___ к_____ Б-з-е қ-з-р ж-м-с-а б-р- к-р-к- ------------------------------- Бізге қазір жұмысқа бару керек. 0
Sağa---rt---u---kere-. S____ e___ t___ k_____ S-ğ-n e-t- t-r- k-r-k- ---------------------- Sağan erte turw kerek.
We must go to the doctor at once. Бі-г--қ-зі- дә-ігер-е----у-кере-. Б____ қ____ д________ б___ к_____ Б-з-е қ-з-р д-р-г-р-е б-р- к-р-к- --------------------------------- Бізге қазір дәрігерге бару керек. 0
Sa--- k----umı--i--e- -e-ek. S____ k__ j____ i____ k_____ S-ğ-n k-p j-m-s i-t-w k-r-k- ---------------------------- Sağan köp jumıs istew kerek.
You must wait for the bus. С-н---г- автоб--т- -ү---к---к. С_______ а________ к___ к_____ С-н-е-г- а-т-б-с-ы к-т- к-р-к- ------------------------------ Сендерге автобусты күту керек. 0
S-ğan---p --m-s is-e---erek. S____ k__ j____ i____ k_____ S-ğ-n k-p j-m-s i-t-w k-r-k- ---------------------------- Sağan köp jumıs istew kerek.
You must wait for the train. Сендер-е--о-ы-ды ---у -е-ек. С_______ п______ к___ к_____ С-н-е-г- п-й-з-ы к-т- к-р-к- ---------------------------- Сендерге пойызды күту керек. 0
Sa--- k-- ----s i-te- ---e-. S____ k__ j____ i____ k_____ S-ğ-n k-p j-m-s i-t-w k-r-k- ---------------------------- Sağan köp jumıs istew kerek.
You must wait for the taxi. Сендер-------иді күту -ерек. С_______ т______ к___ к_____ С-н-е-г- т-к-и-і к-т- к-р-к- ---------------------------- Сендерге таксиді күту керек. 0
S---n -aq-t--e--j--- ker--. S____ w________ j___ k_____ S-ğ-n w-q-t-m-n j-r- k-r-k- --------------------------- Sağan waqıtımen jürw kerek.

Why are there so many different languages?

Today there are more than 6,000 different languages worldwide. This is why we need interpreters and translators. A very long time ago, everyone still spoke the same language. That changed, however, when people began to migrate. They left their African homeland and moved around the world. This spatial separation lead to a linguistic separation as well. Because each people developed its own form of communication. Many different languages evolved from the common proto-language. But man never remained in one place for very long. So the languages became increasingly separated from each other. Somewhere along the line, a common root could no longer be recognized. Furthermore, no people lived in isolation for thousands of years. There was always contact with other peoples. This changed the languages. They took on elements from foreign languages or they merged. Because of this, the progression of the languages never stopped. Therefore, migrations and contact with new peoples explain the multitude of languages. Why languages are so different is another question, however. Every evolution follows certain rules. So there must be a reason for languages being the way they are. For these reasons scientists have been interested in them for years. They would like to know why languages develop differently. In order to research that, one must trace the history of languages. Then one can identify what changed when. It is still unknown what influences the development of languages. Cultural factors appear to be more important than biological factors. That is to say, the history of different peoples shaped their languages. Obviously, languages tell us more than we know…