
en The time   »   mk Часови / Време

8 [eight]

The time

The time

8 [осум]

8 [osoom]

Часови / Време

Chasovi / Vryemye

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English (UK) Macedonian Play More
Excuse me! Из-ин-те! И________ И-в-н-т-! --------- Извинете! 0
Izv-n--t-e! I__________ I-v-n-e-y-! ----------- Izvinyetye!
What time is it, please? Ко-к--е-час-т, -е -о-ам? К____ е ч_____ В_ м_____ К-л-у е ч-с-т- В- м-л-м- ------------------------ Колку е часот, Ве молам? 0
Kolk-o ye --as--, -ye ----m? K_____ y_ c______ V__ m_____ K-l-o- y- c-a-o-, V-e m-l-m- ---------------------------- Kolkoo ye chasot, Vye molam?
Thank you very much. Бла--д--а--м-огу. Б_________ м_____ Б-а-о-а-а- м-о-у- ----------------- Благодарам многу. 0
Bl--u--a--- -n--uo-. B__________ m_______ B-a-u-d-r-m m-o-u-o- -------------------- Blaguodaram mnoguoo.
It is one o’clock. Час-- --е--н. Ч____ е е____ Ч-с-т е е-е-. ------------- Часот е еден. 0
Ch-so--y--y-dy--. C_____ y_ y______ C-a-o- y- y-d-e-. ----------------- Chasot ye yedyen.
It is two o’clock. Ча-о- --два. Ч____ е д___ Ч-с-т е д-а- ------------ Часот е два. 0
C-as-t--- dv-. C_____ y_ d___ C-a-o- y- d-a- -------------- Chasot ye dva.
It is three o’clock. Ч-с-т -----. Ч____ е т___ Ч-с-т е т-и- ------------ Часот е три. 0
Ch-s-t--e -r-. C_____ y_ t___ C-a-o- y- t-i- -------------- Chasot ye tri.
It is four o’clock. Час-- ---ет-р-. Ч____ е ч______ Ч-с-т е ч-т-р-. --------------- Часот е четири. 0
C--s-t y---hy-t--i. C_____ y_ c________ C-a-o- y- c-y-t-r-. ------------------- Chasot ye chyetiri.
It is five o’clock. Ча-о--- пет. Ч____ е п___ Ч-с-т е п-т- ------------ Часот е пет. 0
Chaso- -e p---. C_____ y_ p____ C-a-o- y- p-e-. --------------- Chasot ye pyet.
It is six o’clock. Ч-с-т ---е--. Ч____ е ш____ Ч-с-т е ш-с-. ------------- Часот е шест. 0
C-a--t -e --y---. C_____ y_ s______ C-a-o- y- s-y-s-. ----------------- Chasot ye shyest.
It is seven o’clock. Ч-с-т е седум. Ч____ е с_____ Ч-с-т е с-д-м- -------------- Часот е седум. 0
C-aso---- sy-d--m. C_____ y_ s_______ C-a-o- y- s-e-o-m- ------------------ Chasot ye syedoom.
It is eight o’clock. Ча--- - ос-м. Ч____ е о____ Ч-с-т е о-у-. ------------- Часот е осум. 0
Ch---- ye---o-m. C_____ y_ o_____ C-a-o- y- o-o-m- ---------------- Chasot ye osoom.
It is nine o’clock. Ч-с-т ----в--. Ч____ е д_____ Ч-с-т е д-в-т- -------------- Часот е девет. 0
Chas----e -y-vy-t. C_____ y_ d_______ C-a-o- y- d-e-y-t- ------------------ Chasot ye dyevyet.
It is ten o’clock. Ча--т---д-сет. Ч____ е д_____ Ч-с-т е д-с-т- -------------- Часот е десет. 0
C---o- ------s--t. C_____ y_ d_______ C-a-o- y- d-e-y-t- ------------------ Chasot ye dyesyet.
It is eleven o’clock. Ч---- е-ед-н--се-. Ч____ е е_________ Ч-с-т е е-и-а-с-т- ------------------ Часот е единаесет. 0
Chasot--- -ed-n-yesyet. C_____ y_ y____________ C-a-o- y- y-d-n-y-s-e-. ----------------------- Chasot ye yedinayesyet.
It is twelve o’clock. Часот е -в-н-е-ет. Ч____ е д_________ Ч-с-т е д-а-а-с-т- ------------------ Часот е дванаесет. 0
C---o- -- dv-n-yes--t. C_____ y_ d___________ C-a-o- y- d-a-a-e-y-t- ---------------------- Chasot ye dvanayesyet.
A minute has sixty seconds. Едн- --нута---а --е-е- с--у-д-. Е___ м_____ и__ ш_____ с_______ Е-н- м-н-т- и-а ш-е-е- с-к-н-и- ------------------------------- Една минута има шеесет секунди. 0
Y-dn- -i--o-- --a--h--y---et sy-k--n-i. Y____ m______ i__ s_________ s_________ Y-d-a m-n-o-a i-a s-y-y-s-e- s-e-o-n-i- --------------------------------------- Yedna minoota ima shyeyesyet syekoondi.
An hour has sixty minutes. Е-ен-ч-с---а ше--ет-----т-. Е___ ч__ и__ ш_____ м______ Е-е- ч-с и-а ш-е-е- м-н-т-. --------------------------- Еден час има шеесет минути. 0
Y-d--n-c-a------s-y--esy----inooti. Y_____ c___ i__ s_________ m_______ Y-d-e- c-a- i-a s-y-y-s-e- m-n-o-i- ----------------------------------- Yedyen chas ima shyeyesyet minooti.
A day has twenty-four hours. Ед-н д-- ----д-а-с-----че-и-- часа. Е___ д__ и__ д______ и ч_____ ч____ Е-е- д-н и-а д-а-с-т и ч-т-р- ч-с-. ----------------------------------- Еден ден има дваесет и четири часа. 0
Y--yen-dy---i---dvayes-e- --c--e--ri chasa. Y_____ d___ i__ d________ i c_______ c_____ Y-d-e- d-e- i-a d-a-e-y-t i c-y-t-r- c-a-a- ------------------------------------------- Yedyen dyen ima dvayesyet i chyetiri chasa.

Language families

About 7 billion people live on Earth. And they speak about 7,000 different languages! Like people, languages can also be related. That is, they originate from a common root. There are also languages that are completely isolated. They are not genetically related to any other language. In Europe, for example, Basque is considered an isolated language. But most languages have ‘parents’, ‘children’ or ‘siblings’. They belong to a particular language family. You can recognize how similar languages are through comparisons. Linguists today count around 300 genetic entities. Among those, there are 180 families that consist of more than one language. The rest make up 120 isolated languages. The largest language family is the Indo-European. It is comprised of around 280 languages. This includes Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages. There are more than 3 billion speakers on all continents! The Sino-Tibetan language family is dominant in Asia. It has more than 1.3 billion speakers. The main Sino-Tibetan language is Chinese. The third largest language family is in Africa. It is named after its area of circulation: Niger-Congo. ‘Only’ 350 million speakers belong to it. Swahili is the main language in this family. In most cases: the closer the relationship, the better the understanding. People who speak related languages understand each other well. They can learn the other language relatively quickly. So, learn languages – family reunions are always nice!
Did you know?
German is the native language of more than 90 million people. These people live primarily in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. German is also spoken in Belgium, Liechtenstein, northern Italy, and Luxembourg. In addition to the native speakers, there are 80 million people who understand German. German is one of the most-learned foreign languages. It is counted among the West Germanic languages, like English and Dutch. It was also influenced by other languages over many centuries. This is due to the fact that the language region is located in the middle of Europe. Nowadays, English terms above all are integrated into the German vocabulary. Another hallmark of the German language is the many different dialects. These are increasingly losing importance, however. The standard language is becoming more and more widespread, especially through the media. Because of this, many schools want to teach dialects again. German grammar is not especially easy, but it is worth the trouble! German is among the ten most important languages of the world.