
en House cleaning   »   sr Чишћење куће

18 [eighteen]

House cleaning

House cleaning

18 [осамнаест]

18 [osamnaest]

Чишћење куће

Čišćenje kuće

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English (UK) Serbian Play More
Today is Saturday. Д---с ---с-бота. Д____ ј_ с______ Д-н-с ј- с-б-т-. ---------------- Данас је субота. 0
Č-š-́e----k--́e Č_______ k___ Č-š-́-n-e k-c-e --------------- Čišćenje kuće
We have time today. Да--с------ вр-м-н-. Д____ и____ в_______ Д-н-с и-а-о в-е-е-а- -------------------- Данас имамо времена. 0
Čišc--n-e k---e Č_______ k___ Č-š-́-n-e k-c-e --------------- Čišćenje kuće
We are cleaning the apartment today. Д-нас----тимо с-а-. Д____ ч______ с____ Д-н-с ч-с-и-о с-а-. ------------------- Данас чистимо стан. 0
D---s-je ----ta. D____ j_ s______ D-n-s j- s-b-t-. ---------------- Danas je subota.
I am cleaning the bathroom. Ј- -истим---па-и-о. Ј_ ч_____ к________ Ј- ч-с-и- к-п-т-л-. ------------------- Ја чистим купатило. 0
D-nas--e--u-o--. D____ j_ s______ D-n-s j- s-b-t-. ---------------- Danas je subota.
My husband is washing the car. Мој-муж -ере а---. М__ м__ п___ а____ М-ј м-ж п-р- а-т-. ------------------ Мој муж пере ауто. 0
Da-a- j--subo--. D____ j_ s______ D-n-s j- s-b-t-. ---------------- Danas je subota.
The children are cleaning the bicycles. Д-ц--пе-у---ц--ла. Д___ п___ б_______ Д-ц- п-р- б-ц-к-а- ------------------ Деца перу бицикла. 0
Da-a- -m--- -r-me-a. D____ i____ v_______ D-n-s i-a-o v-e-e-a- -------------------- Danas imamo vremena.
Grandma is watering the flowers. Б-ка--али-а -в-ће. Б___ з_____ ц_____ Б-к- з-л-в- ц-е-е- ------------------ Бака залива цвеће. 0
D---- -ma---v--mena. D____ i____ v_______ D-n-s i-a-o v-e-e-a- -------------------- Danas imamo vremena.
The children are cleaning up the children’s room. Д-ца --спр---ју-деч-ј----б-. Д___ п_________ д_____ с____ Д-ц- п-с-р-м-ј- д-ч-ј- с-б-. ---------------------------- Деца поспремају дечију собу. 0
D-n---i-a-- --emena. D____ i____ v_______ D-n-s i-a-o v-e-e-a- -------------------- Danas imamo vremena.
My husband is tidying up his desk. Мој м-- --сп---а --ој п-са-и-с--. М__ м__ п_______ с___ п_____ с___ М-ј м-ж п-с-р-м- с-о- п-с-ћ- с-о- --------------------------------- Мој муж поспрема свој писаћи сто. 0
Danas -i-t--o s---. D____ č______ s____ D-n-s č-s-i-o s-a-. ------------------- Danas čistimo stan.
I am putting the laundry in the washing machine. Ја-с-ављ-м ве----м----у-з- -ра---ве--. Ј_ с______ в__ у м_____ з_ п____ в____ Ј- с-а-љ-м в-ш у м-ш-н- з- п-а-е в-ш-. -------------------------------------- Ја стављам веш у машину за прање веша. 0
Dana--č--ti-o---a-. D____ č______ s____ D-n-s č-s-i-o s-a-. ------------------- Danas čistimo stan.
I am hanging up the laundry. Ја----сти-е- ве-. Ј_ п________ в___ Ј- п-о-т-р-м в-ш- ----------------- Ја простирем веш. 0
Da--- čist--- --an. D____ č______ s____ D-n-s č-s-i-o s-a-. ------------------- Danas čistimo stan.
I am ironing the clothes. Ја--е------е-. Ј_ п_____ в___ Ј- п-г-а- в-ш- -------------- Ја пеглам веш. 0
Ja čist-m-k-pati--. J_ č_____ k________ J- č-s-i- k-p-t-l-. ------------------- Ja čistim kupatilo.
The windows are dirty. П-о--ри с--прљ--и. П______ с_ п______ П-о-о-и с- п-љ-в-. ------------------ Прозори су прљави. 0
J--čisti- --p-t--o. J_ č_____ k________ J- č-s-i- k-p-t-l-. ------------------- Ja čistim kupatilo.
The floor is dirty. П-------рљ--. П__ ј_ п_____ П-д ј- п-љ-в- ------------- Под је прљав. 0
Ja-č--ti- -up---l-. J_ č_____ k________ J- č-s-i- k-p-t-l-. ------------------- Ja čistim kupatilo.
The dishes are dirty. По-----ј- п----о. П_____ ј_ п______ П-с-ђ- ј- п-љ-в-. ----------------- Посуђе је прљаво. 0
Mo- mu----re au-o. M__ m__ p___ a____ M-j m-ž p-r- a-t-. ------------------ Moj muž pere auto.
Who washes the windows? К- -и-ти --о-оре? К_ ч____ п_______ К- ч-с-и п-о-о-е- ----------------- Ко чисти прозоре? 0
M----už p--e a---. M__ m__ p___ a____ M-j m-ž p-r- a-t-. ------------------ Moj muž pere auto.
Who does the vacuuming? Ко уси-а-а п-----у? К_ у______ п_______ К- у-и-а-а п-а-и-у- ------------------- Ко усисава прашину? 0
M---m-- -ere a-to. M__ m__ p___ a____ M-j m-ž p-r- a-t-. ------------------ Moj muž pere auto.
Who does the dishes? К--п-р-----у-е? К_ п___ п______ К- п-р- п-с-ђ-? --------------- Ко пере посуђе? 0
D-ca p-ru b-c---a. D___ p___ b_______ D-c- p-r- b-c-k-a- ------------------ Deca peru bicikla.

Early Learning

Today, foreign languages are becoming more and more important. This also applies to professional life. As a result, the number of people learning foreign languages has increased. Many parents would also like their children to learn languages. It is best at a young age. There are already many international grade schools worldwide. Kindergartens with multilingual education are becoming more and more popular. Starting to learn so early has many advantages. This is due to the development of our brain. Our brain builds structures for languages up to the age of 4. These neuronal networks help us in learning. Later in life, new structures do not form as well. Older children and adults have more difficulty learning languages. Therefore, we should promote the early development of our brain. In brief: the younger, the better. There are also people, however, who criticize early learning. They fear that multilingualism overwhelms small children. Besides that, there is the fear that they won't learn any language properly. These doubts are unfounded from a scientific standpoint though. Most linguists and neuropsychologists are optimistic. Their studies of the topic show positive results. Children usually have fun in language courses. And: If children learn languages, they also think about languages. Therefore, by learning foreign languages they get to know their native language. They profit from this knowledge of languages their entire life. Maybe it's actually better to start with more difficult languages. Because the brain of a child learns quickly and intuitively. It doesn't care if it stores hello, ciao or néih hóu!
Did you know?
Hindi is counted among the Indo-Aryan languages. It is spoken in most of the states of northern and central India. Hindi is closely related to the Urdu language that is primarily spoken in Pakistan. For all intents and purposes, the two languages are almost identical. The crucial difference is in the writing system. Hindi is written in Devanagari. On the other hand, Urdu uses the Arabic semiotic system. Distinctive for Hindi are the many dialects. These differ, sometimes strongly, from one another due to the country's size. Hindi is the native language of 370 million people. An additional 150 million people are proficient in Hindi as a second language. With that, Hindi is among the most spoken languages of the world. It is in second place after Chinese. So it comes before Spanish and English! And India's influence in the world is growing rapidly!