
en Small Talk 2   »   ti ንዕሽቶ ዝርርብ 2

21 [twenty-one]

Small Talk 2

Small Talk 2

21 [ዕስራንሓደን]

21 [‘isiraniḥadeni]

ንዕሽቶ ዝርርብ 2

ni‘ishito ziriribi 2

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Where do you come from? ካ---ኢ-ም -----? ካ__ ኢ__ መ_____ ካ-ይ ኢ-ም መ-እ-ም- -------------- ካበይ ኢኹም መጺእኩም? 0
ni‘i--it--zir-ri-- 2 n________ z_______ 2 n-‘-s-i-o z-r-r-b- 2 -------------------- ni‘ishito ziriribi 2
From Basel. ካ--ባ--። ካ_ ባ___ ካ- ባ-ል- ------- ካብ ባሰል። 0
n-‘---i-o -iri-ib--2 n________ z_______ 2 n-‘-s-i-o z-r-r-b- 2 -------------------- ni‘ishito ziriribi 2
Basel is in Switzerland. ባ-ል-----ዊ--ላ----ያ ትር-- ። ባ__ ኣ_ ስ______ ኢ_ ት___ ። ባ-ል ኣ- ስ-ዘ-ላ-ድ ኢ- ት-ከ- ። ------------------------ ባሰል ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ኢያ ትርከብ ። 0
kab--i---̱u-- met-’ī-i-u--? k_____ ī____ m____________ k-b-y- ī-̱-m- m-t-’-’-k-m-? --------------------------- kabeyi īẖumi mets’ī’ikumi?
May I introduce Mr. Miller? ምስ ኣቶ--ለ- ዶ -ላ---ም? ም_ ኣ_ ሙ__ ዶ ከ______ ም- ኣ- ሙ-ር ዶ ከ-ል-ኩ-? ------------------- ምስ ኣቶ ሙለር ዶ ከላልየኩም? 0
kabey- īh-umi --t-’----u--? k_____ ī____ m____________ k-b-y- ī-̱-m- m-t-’-’-k-m-? --------------------------- kabeyi īẖumi mets’ī’ikumi?
He is a foreigner. ንሱ--ጻ-ተኛ---። ን_ ወ____ እ__ ን- ወ-እ-ኛ እ-። ------------ ንሱ ወጻእተኛ እዩ። 0
k-b--i -ẖ-m- m-t-’ī’ik---? k_____ ī____ m____________ k-b-y- ī-̱-m- m-t-’-’-k-m-? --------------------------- kabeyi īẖumi mets’ī’ikumi?
He speaks several languages. ን- ብ-ሓ- ቋ-ቋታ--ይ--ብ። ን_ ብ___ ቋ____ ይ____ ን- ብ-ሓ- ቋ-ቋ-ት ይ-ረ-። ------------------- ንሱ ብዙሓት ቋንቋታት ይዛረብ። 0
ka-i-base-i። k___ b______ k-b- b-s-l-። ------------ kabi baseli።
Are you here for the first time? ን-ዳማይ--- -ኹም---ዚ-ዘ--ም? ን____ ግ_ ዲ__ ኣ__ ዘ____ ን-ዳ-ይ ግ- ዲ-ም ኣ-ዚ ዘ-ኹ-? ---------------------- ንቀዳማይ ግዜ ዲኹም ኣብዚ ዘለኹም? 0
kabi --s---። k___ b______ k-b- b-s-l-። ------------ kabi baseli።
No, I was here once last year. ኣይኮንኩን- -ሓ-ፈ-ዓመ---ብ- -ረ። ኣ______ ዝ___ ዓ__ ኣ__ ኔ__ ኣ-ኮ-ኩ-፣ ዝ-ላ- ዓ-ት ኣ-ዚ ኔ-። ------------------------ ኣይኮንኩን፣ ዝሓላፈ ዓመት ኣብዚ ኔረ። 0
ka-- b--e-i። k___ b______ k-b- b-s-l-። ------------ kabi baseli።
Only for a week, though. ግን---ደ-ሰሙን ---። ግ_ ን__ ሰ__ ጥ___ ግ- ን-ደ ሰ-ን ጥ-ይ- --------------- ግን ንሓደ ሰሙን ጥራይ። 0
b-seli ab- --wī-er-la---i -y---i-i-ebi ። b_____ a__ s_____________ ī__ t_______ ። b-s-l- a-i s-w-z-r-l-n-d- ī-a t-r-k-b- ። ---------------------------------------- baseli abi siwīzerilanidi īya tirikebi ።
How do you like it here? ከመይ -ስ----ም--? ከ__ ደ_ ኢ___ ዶ_ ከ-ይ ደ- ኢ-ኩ- ዶ- -------------- ከመይ ደስ ኢልኩም ዶ? 0
ba---i a---s-wīz--il-n--i -y- tir-keb--። b_____ a__ s_____________ ī__ t_______ ። b-s-l- a-i s-w-z-r-l-n-d- ī-a t-r-k-b- ። ---------------------------------------- baseli abi siwīzerilanidi īya tirikebi ።
A lot. The people are nice. ኣዝ- -ቡ-። እቶም ሰባ- -ሩኻት ኔ--። ኣ__ ጽ___ እ__ ሰ__ ብ___ ኔ___ ኣ-ዩ ጽ-ቕ- እ-ም ሰ-ት ብ-ኻ- ኔ-ም- -------------------------- ኣዝዩ ጽቡቕ። እቶም ሰባት ብሩኻት ኔሮም። 0
ba--li---- si--ze--l--id-------------- ። b_____ a__ s_____________ ī__ t_______ ። b-s-l- a-i s-w-z-r-l-n-d- ī-a t-r-k-b- ። ---------------------------------------- baseli abi siwīzerilanidi īya tirikebi ።
And I like the scenery, too. ቅር--መሬ---ን ደ--ይብለኒ። ቅ_________ ደ_ ይ____ ቅ-ጸ-መ-ት-ው- ደ- ይ-ለ-። ------------------- ቅርጸ-መሬት‘ውን ደስ ይብለኒ። 0
mi-- at- m-le-i -o---l-li--k-mi? m___ a__ m_____ d_ k____________ m-s- a-o m-l-r- d- k-l-l-y-k-m-? -------------------------------- misi ato muleri do kelaliyekumi?
What is your profession? እንታ--ዩ-ሞያ-ም? እ___ ዩ ሞ____ እ-ታ- ዩ ሞ-ኹ-? ------------ እንታይ ዩ ሞያኹም? 0
m----a-o--u-e----o --l-li---umi? m___ a__ m_____ d_ k____________ m-s- a-o m-l-r- d- k-l-l-y-k-m-? -------------------------------- misi ato muleri do kelaliyekumi?
I am a translator. ኣነ-ተርጓማ- -የ። ኣ_ ተ____ እ__ ኣ- ተ-ጓ-ይ እ-። ------------ ኣነ ተርጓማይ እየ። 0
m-s- -t--muler- -o ---al-----mi? m___ a__ m_____ d_ k____________ m-s- a-o m-l-r- d- k-l-l-y-k-m-? -------------------------------- misi ato muleri do kelaliyekumi?
I translate books. ኣነ -ጽሓፍቲ የተርጉም--የ። ኣ_ መ____ የ____ እ__ ኣ- መ-ሓ-ቲ የ-ር-ም እ-። ------------------ ኣነ መጽሓፍቲ የተርጉም እየ። 0
n--- w--s-a-i---ya ---። n___ w____________ i___ n-s- w-t-’-’-t-n-a i-u- ----------------------- nisu wets’a’itenya iyu።
Are you alone here? ኣብ- በ-ንኹም-------? ኣ__ በ____ ኣ___ ዶ_ ኣ-ዚ በ-ን-ም ኣ-ኹ- ዶ- ----------------- ኣብዚ በይንኹም ኣሎኹም ዶ? 0
n--u-we--’a-i---y--iy-። n___ w____________ i___ n-s- w-t-’-’-t-n-a i-u- ----------------------- nisu wets’a’itenya iyu።
No, my wife / my husband is also here. ኣ--ንኩን--ሰ-ይተይ/-ብ--ይ እውን---- ኣላ-ኣ-። ኣ______ ሰ__________ እ__ ኣ__ ኣ_____ ኣ-ኮ-ኩ-፣ ሰ-ይ-ይ-ሰ-ኣ-ይ እ-ን ኣ-ዚ ኣ-/-ሎ- ---------------------------------- ኣይኮንኩን፣ ሰበይተይ/ሰብኣየይ እውን ኣብዚ ኣላ/ኣሎ። 0
ni----e-s--’--en-- iyu። n___ w____________ i___ n-s- w-t-’-’-t-n-a i-u- ----------------------- nisu wets’a’itenya iyu።
And those are my two children. ከ-ኡ‘-ን-ክ-----ይ---ኡ--ለው። ከ_____ ክ__ ደ__ ኣ__ ኣ___ ከ-ኡ-ው- ክ-ተ ደ-ይ ኣ-ኡ ኣ-ው- ----------------------- ከምኡ‘ውን ክልተ ደቀይ ኣብኡ ኣለው። 0
nis---iz-ḥat--k--ani-’--t-t----zarebi። n___ b_______ k_____________ y________ n-s- b-z-h-a-i k-w-n-k-w-t-t- y-z-r-b-። --------------------------------------- nisu bizuḥati k’wanik’watati yizarebi።

Romance Languages

700 million people speak a Romance language as their native tongue. Thus the Romance language group ranks among the most significant worldwide. Romance languages belong to the Indo-European language family. All Romance languages date back to Latin. This means they are descendants of the language of Rome. The basis of all Romance languages was Vulgar Latin. By which is meant the Latin spoken in late ancient times. Vulgar Latin was spread throughout Europe through Roman conquests. Out of it there then developed the Romance languages and dialects. Latin itself is an Italian language. There are in total about 15 Romance languages. The exact number is difficult to determine. It is often unclear whether independent languages or only dialects exist. A few Romance languages have died out over the years. But new languages based on Romance languages have also developed. They are Creole languages. Today, Spanish is the largest Romance language worldwide. It belongs to the world languages with more than 380 million speakers. Romance languages are very interesting for scientists. Because the history of this linguistic group is well-documented. Latin or Roman texts have existed for 2,500 years. Linguists use them to examine the evolution of the individual languages. Thus, the rules from which language develops can be researched. Many of these results can be transferred to other languages. The grammar of Romance languages is similarly constructed. Above all, however, the vocabulary of the languages is similar. If a person speaks one Romance language, he can easily learn another one. Thank you, Latin!
Did you know?
The Japanese language is surely one of the most fascinating. Many people find the writing system especially interesting. It is comprised of Chinese symbols and two syllabaries. Another characteristic of Japanese is that it has many dialects. These differ from one another significantly in some cases. Thus it is possible that two speakers from different regions do not understand each other. Japanese has a melodic accent. If a word needs to be emphasized it is not spoken louder. The pitches of the sounds are varied. Approximately 130 million people speak Japanese. Naturally, the majority of those live in Japan. There are also large groups of Japanese speakers in Brazil and North America. They are the descendants of Japanese emigrants. There are relatively few true second language speakers. That is exactly what should motivate us to learn this exciting language!