
en Small Talk 3   »   ar ‫محادثة قصيرة ،رقم 3‬

22 [twenty-two]

Small Talk 3

Small Talk 3

‫22 [اثنان وعشرون]

22 [athnan waeashruna]

‫محادثة قصيرة ،رقم 3‬

Muḥādatha qaṣīra, raqam 3

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Do you smoke? ‫-ل -نت تدخن؟ ‫__ أ__ ت____ ‫-ل أ-ت ت-خ-؟ ------------- ‫هل أنت تدخن؟ 0
H-l -nta-tu--kh----? H__ a___ t__________ H-l a-t- t-d-k-k-i-? -------------------- Hal anta tudakhkhin?
I used to. ‫ك-- -ابقاً-أ-خ-. ‫___ س____ أ____ ‫-ن- س-ب-ا- أ-خ-. ----------------- ‫كنت سابقاً أدخن. 0
K--tu -āb--an -dkh-n. K____ s______ a______ K-n-u s-b-q-n a-k-u-. --------------------- Kuntu sābiqan adkhun.
But I don’t smoke anymore. و--ن--لآن--م-------خ-. و___ ا___ ل_ أ__ أ____ و-ك- ا-آ- ل- أ-د أ-خ-. ---------------------- ولكن الآن لم أعد أدخن. 0
Wa-āk----l-ān lam--ʿud-a-khu-. W______ a____ l__ a___ a______ W-l-k-n a---n l-m a-u- a-k-u-. ------------------------------ Walākin al-ān lam aʿud adkhun.
Does it disturb you if I smoke? ه--يزعجك أن---خ-؟ ه_ ي____ أ_ أ____ ه- ي-ع-ك أ- أ-خ-؟ ----------------- هل يزعجك أن أدخن؟ 0
H-l--u-ʿ-juka--n---kh-n? H__ y________ a_ a______ H-l y-z-i-u-a a- a-k-u-? ------------------------ Hal yuzʿijuka an adkhun?
No, absolutely not. ‫ل---ع-ى الإ----. ‫___ ع__ ا_______ ‫-ا- ع-ى ا-إ-ل-ق- ----------------- ‫لا، على الإطلاق. 0
Lā, -alā-al----āq. L__ ʿ___ a________ L-, ʿ-l- a---ṭ-ā-. ------------------ Lā, ʿalā al-iṭlāq.
It doesn’t disturb me. ‫ه-ا-لا ي-عجني. ‫___ ل_ ي______ ‫-ذ- ل- ي-ع-ن-. --------------- ‫هذا لا يزعجني. 0
Hā--ā--- -uz--ju--. H____ l_ y_________ H-d-ā l- y-z-i-u-ī- ------------------- Hādhā lā yuzʿijunī.
Will you drink something? هل ت----أن ت-ر- ش---؟ ه_ ت___ أ_ ت___ ش____ ه- ت-ي- أ- ت-ر- ش-ئ-؟ --------------------- هل تريد أن تشرب شيئا؟ 0
Ha- tu-ī- -n ---hra- -h--an? H__ t____ a_ t______ s______ H-l t-r-d a- t-s-r-b s-a-a-? ---------------------------- Hal turīd an tashrab shayan?
A brandy? ‫---اً--ن ا-كون---؟ ‫____ م_ ا________ ‫-د-ا- م- ا-ك-ن-ا-؟ ------------------- ‫قدحاً من الكونياك؟ 0
Qa---n -i- ----u-y--? Q_____ m__ a_________ Q-d-a- m-n a---u-y-k- --------------------- Qadḥan min al-kunyāk?
No, preferably a beer. ‫لا----ض- -أس---من-البي--. ‫___ أ___ ك___ م_ ا______ ‫-ا- أ-ض- ك-س-ً م- ا-ب-ر-. -------------------------- ‫لا، أفضل كأساً من البيرة. 0
Lā,-af-i- k---n -in -l-bī-a. L__ a____ k____ m__ a_______ L-, a-ḍ-l k-s-n m-n a---ī-a- ---------------------------- Lā, afḍil kāsan min al-bīra.
Do you travel a lot? هل--س----كث-ر-؟ ه_ ت____ ك_____ ه- ت-ا-ر ك-ي-ا- --------------- هل تسافر كثيرا؟ 0
Ha--tus--i--k-t-ī-an? H__ t______ k________ H-l t-s-f-r k-t-ī-a-? --------------------- Hal tusāfir kathīran?
Yes, mostly on business trips. ‫ن--- -غالبا- -- تكون-رح-ات--مل. ‫____ و_____ م_ ت___ ر____ ع___ ‫-ع-، و-ا-ب-ً م- ت-و- ر-ل-ت ع-ل- -------------------------------- ‫نعم، وغالباً ما تكون رحلات عمل. 0
Naʿ--- ---ghāli-a- -ā-takūn riḥal-t ʿ-m--. N_____ w_ g_______ m_ t____ r______ ʿ_____ N-ʿ-m- w- g-ā-i-a- m- t-k-n r-ḥ-l-t ʿ-m-l- ------------------------------------------ Naʿam, wa ghāliban mā takūn riḥalāt ʿamal.
But now we’re on holiday. ‫------ل---نمضي ا-إ---ة--ن-. ‫____ ا___ ن___ ا______ ه___ ‫-ل-ن ا-آ- ن-ض- ا-إ-ا-ة ه-ا- ---------------------------- ‫ولكن الآن نمضي الإجازة هنا. 0
W-lāk-n a--ā------ī-a--ij--a-hu--. W______ a____ n____ a_______ h____ W-l-k-n a---n n-m-ī a---j-z- h-n-. ---------------------------------- Walākin al-ān namḍī al-ijāza hunā.
It’s so hot! ‫م---ذا--ل-ر! ‫__ ه__ ا____ ‫-ا ه-ا ا-ح-! ------------- ‫ما هذا الحر! 0
Mā--ādh---l----r! M_ h____ a_______ M- h-d-ā a---a-r- ----------------- Mā hādhā al-ḥarr!
Yes, today it’s really hot. ‫---- ب-لف---ا---م حا- جداً. ‫____ ب_____ ا____ ح__ ج___ ‫-ع-، ب-ل-ع- ا-ي-م ح-ر ج-ا-. ---------------------------- ‫نعم، بالفعل اليوم حار جداً. 0
N---m-----a-- a--yawm--ār --ddan. N_____ b_____ a______ ḥ__ j______ N-ʿ-m- b-f-ʿ- a---a-m ḥ-r j-d-a-. --------------------------------- Naʿam, bifaʿl al-yawm ḥār jiddan.
Let’s go to the balcony. ‫----ج-إلى--ل----ة. ‫_____ إ__ ا______ ‫-ن-ر- إ-ى ا-ش-ر-ة- ------------------- ‫لنخرج إلى الشُرفة. 0
Lan-h-uj---ā a---hu-f-. L_______ i__ a_________ L-n-h-u- i-ā a---h-r-a- ----------------------- Lankhruj ilā al-shurfa.
There’s a party here tomorrow. ‫--ا- -ت--- حفل- هن-. ‫___ س____ ح___ ه___ ‫-د-ً س-ق-م ح-ل- ه-ا- --------------------- ‫غداً ستقام حفلة هنا. 0
G--d---sa-uqā- ḥ-f-a--u-ā. G_____ s______ ḥ____ h____ G-a-a- s-t-q-m ḥ-f-a h-n-. -------------------------- Ghadan satuqām ḥafla hunā.
Are you also coming? ‫-ل س-أتي أ-ض-؟ ‫__ س____ أ____ ‫-ل س-أ-ي أ-ض-؟ --------------- ‫هل ستأتي أيضا؟ 0
H-l s-taʾ-ī a--a-? H__ s______ a_____ H-l s-t-ʾ-ī a-ḍ-n- ------------------ Hal sataʾtī ayḍan?
Yes, we’ve also been invited. ن-م، -ح- --ع-و- أ-ض--. ن___ ن__ م_____ أ____ ن-م- ن-ن م-ع-و- أ-ض-ً- ---------------------- نعم، نحن مدعوون أيضاً. 0
Na---,----nu mad-ū--- a---n. N_____ n____ m_______ a_____ N-ʿ-m- n-ḥ-u m-d-ū-ū- a-ḍ-n- ---------------------------- Naʿam, naḥnu madʿūwūn ayḍan.

Language and writing

Each language is used for communication between people. When we speak, we express what we are thinking and feeling. In doing so, we don't always stick to the rules of our language. We use our own language, our vernacular. It's different in written language. Here, all the rules of our language are displayed. Writing is what enables a language to become a real language. It makes language visible. Through writing, thousands of years' worth of knowledge is passed on. This is why writing is the foundation of every sophisticated culture. The first form of writing was invented more than 5,000 years ago. It was the cuneiform writing of the Sumerians. It was carved into slabs of clay. This cuneiform was used for three hundred years. The hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians existed for about as long. Countless scientists have devoted their studies to it. Hieroglyphics represent a relatively complicated writing system. However, it was probably invented for a very simple reason. The Egypt of that time was a vast kingdom with many inhabitants. Everyday life and above all the economic system needed to be organized. Taxes and accounting needed to be efficiently managed. For this, the ancient Egyptians developed their graphic characters. Alphabetic writing systems, on the other hand, go back to the Sumerians. Each writing system reveals a great deal about the people who use it. Furthermore, each country shows its own characteristics through its writing. Unfortunately, the art of handwriting is disappearing. Modern technology makes it almost superfluous. So: Don't just speak, keep writing too!
Did you know?
Kannada is a member of the Dravidian language family. These languages are primarily spoken in southern India. Kannada is not related to the Indo-Aryan languages of northern India. Approximately 40 million people speak Kannada as their native language. It is recognized as one of the 22 national languages of India. Kannada is an agglutinating language. That means that grammatical functions are expressed by affixes. The language is divided into four regional dialect groups. The dialect indicates where the speakers come from. Additionally, their social class can also be identified based on their language. Spoken and written Kannada differ from one another. Like many other Indian languages, Kannada has its own writing system. It is a hybrid of alphabet and syllabic writing. It consists of many round symbols, which is typical for southern Indian writing systems. And it is really a lot of fun to learn these beautiful letters.