
en En route   »   th ระหว่างเดินทาง

37 [thirty-seven]

En route

En route

37 [สามสิบเจ็ด]




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He drives a motorbike. เขา-ับ-ถ-ัก-ย-น--ต์ เ_______________ เ-า-ั-ร-จ-ก-ย-น-น-์ ------------------- เขาขับรถจักรยานยนต์ 0
r-----̀n---er̶---ang r________________ r-́-w-̀-g-d-r-n-t-n- -------------------- rá-wàng-der̶n-tang
He rides a bicycle. เข-ขี่---รยาน เ_________ เ-า-ี-จ-ก-ย-น ------------- เขาขี่จักรยาน 0
rá-wa--g-d--̶n-tang r________________ r-́-w-̀-g-d-r-n-t-n- -------------------- rá-wàng-der̶n-tang
He walks. เ--เ--น เ_____ เ-า-ด-น ------- เขาเดิน 0
ka-----̀p----t-ja---rá-y---y-n k_________________________ k-̌---a-p-r-́---a-k-r-́-y-n-y-n ------------------------------- kǎo-kàp-rót-jàk-rá-yan-yon
He goes by ship. เ-าไ----เ----ห-่ เ_____________ เ-า-ป-ด-เ-ื-ใ-ญ- ---------------- เขาไปโดยเรือใหญ่ 0
ka---ka-----́t--------́--a--yon k_________________________ k-̌---a-p-r-́---a-k-r-́-y-n-y-n ------------------------------- kǎo-kàp-rót-jàk-rá-yan-yon
He goes by boat. เข-ไ--ด--ร-อ เ__________ เ-า-ป-ด-เ-ื- ------------ เขาไปโดยเรือ 0
kǎ--ka-p-------a-k-r----a---on k_________________________ k-̌---a-p-r-́---a-k-r-́-y-n-y-n ------------------------------- kǎo-kàp-rót-jàk-rá-yan-yon
He swims. เ--ว-----ำ เ______ เ-า-่-ย-้- ---------- เขาว่ายน้ำ 0
ka---kèe-ja-k-------n k_________________ k-̌---e-e-j-̀---a---a- ---------------------- kǎo-kèe-jàk-rá-yan
Is it dangerous here? ท--นี--ัน--า--หม--ร-บ - -ะ? ที่__________ ค__ / ค__ ท-่-ี-อ-น-ร-ย-ห- ค-ั- / ค-? --------------------------- ที่นี่อันตรายไหม ครับ / คะ? 0
kǎ----̀--jàk-r---y-n k_________________ k-̌---e-e-j-̀---a---a- ---------------------- kǎo-kèe-jàk-rá-yan
Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone? ก-รโบ-รถคน-ดี-ว-ั-ตร--ไ-----ับ /-คะ? ก______________________ ค__ / ค__ ก-ร-บ-ร-ค-เ-ี-ว-ั-ต-า-ไ-ม ค-ั- / ค-? ------------------------------------ การโบกรถคนเดียวอันตรายไหม ครับ / คะ? 0
k----kèe--à--r-----n k_________________ k-̌---e-e-j-̀---a---a- ---------------------- kǎo-kèe-jàk-rá-yan
Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? มัน-ันต-า--ห--คร-บ /-ค- ถ-า-อกม-เ--น----ต----าง-ืน? มั__________ ค__ / ค_ ถ้______________________ ม-น-ั-ต-า-ไ-ม ค-ั- / ค- ถ-า-อ-ม-เ-ิ-เ-่-ต-น-ล-ง-ื-? --------------------------------------------------- มันอันตรายไหม ครับ / คะ ถ้าออกมาเดินเล่นตอนกลางคืน? 0
k----de--n k_______ k-̌---e-̶- ---------- kǎo-der̶n
We got lost. เ---ล---ง เ________ เ-า-ล-ท-ง --------- เราหลงทาง 0
kǎo-de-̶n k_______ k-̌---e-̶- ---------- kǎo-der̶n
We’re on the wrong road. เ--ม-ผิด--ง เ_________ เ-า-า-ิ-ท-ง ----------- เรามาผิดทาง 0
k--o-d-r̶n k_______ k-̌---e-̶- ---------- kǎo-der̶n
We must turn around. เ-าต-อง--ี-ยว--ั---งเดิม เ__________________ เ-า-้-ง-ล-้-ว-ล-บ-า-เ-ิ- ------------------------ เราต้องเลี้ยวกลับทางเดิม 0
ka---bha------r-------i k____________________ k-̌---h-i-d-y-r-u---a-i ----------------------- kǎo-bhai-doy-reua-yài
Where can one park here? จ--รถ-ด---่--- -รั--- -ะ? จ__________ ค__ / ค__ จ-ด-ถ-ด-ท-่-ห- ค-ั- / ค-? ------------------------- จอดรถได้ที่ไหน ครับ / คะ? 0
ka-o-b-ai--oy--e-a-y-̀i k____________________ k-̌---h-i-d-y-r-u---a-i ----------------------- kǎo-bhai-doy-reua-yài
Is there a parking lot here? ที-น--ม-ท-่-อด-ถไหม-ค-ับ-/ -ะ? ที่___________ ค__ / ค__ ท-่-ี-ม-ท-่-อ-ร-ไ-ม ค-ั- / ค-? ------------------------------ ที่นี่มีที่จอดรถไหม ครับ / คะ? 0
k-̌--bhai-d----eua-ya-i k____________________ k-̌---h-i-d-y-r-u---a-i ----------------------- kǎo-bhai-doy-reua-yài
How long can one park here? ที----จอ--ถ--้นานเ-่--ร --ับ-/---? ที่________________ ค__ / ค__ ท-่-ี-จ-ด-ถ-ด-น-น-ท-า-ร ค-ั- / ค-? ---------------------------------- ที่นี่จอดรถได้นานเท่าไร ครับ / คะ? 0
kǎo-bha--d----e-a k________________ k-̌---h-i-d-y-r-u- ------------------ kǎo-bhai-doy-reua
Do you ski? คุณ---นสก-ไหมครับ-- -ะ? คุ____________ / ค__ ค-ณ-ล-น-ก-ไ-ม-ร-บ / ค-? ----------------------- คุณเล่นสกีไหมครับ / คะ? 0
kǎo-b--i-do--r--a k________________ k-̌---h-i-d-y-r-u- ------------------ kǎo-bhai-doy-reua
Do you take the ski lift to the top? ค-ณจ-ข-้-ส--ล--ท์-ปข้า-บน-ห--ร-บ-- คะ? คุ_______________________ / ค__ ค-ณ-ะ-ึ-น-ก-ล-ฟ-์-ป-้-ง-น-ห-ค-ั- / ค-? -------------------------------------- คุณจะขึ้นสกีลิฟท์ไปข้างบนไหมครับ / คะ? 0
ka---bh-i--o--reua k________________ k-̌---h-i-d-y-r-u- ------------------ kǎo-bhai-doy-reua
Can one rent skis here? ที--ี---ส-ีใ----่--หม-รับ /--ะ? ที่_______________ / ค__ ท-่-ี-ม-ส-ี-ห-เ-่-ไ-ม-ร-บ / ค-? ------------------------------- ที่นี่มีสกีให้เช่าไหมครับ / คะ? 0
k-̌o-wa------m k__________ k-̌---a-i-n-́- -------------- kǎo-wâi-nám

Talking to yourself

When someone is talking to himself, it's odd to listeners. And yet almost everyone talks to themselves on a regular basis. Psychologists estimate that more than 95 percent of adults do it. Children almost always talk to themselves when playing. So it is completely normal to have conversations with yourself. This is just a special form of communication. And there are many advantages in talking to yourself every now and then! This is because we organize our thoughts through speech. Our inner voice emerges when we talk to ourselves. You might also say it's thinking out loud. Scatterbrained people in particular talk quite often to themselves. In their case, a certain area of the brain is less active. Therefore, they are less organized. With self-talks they are helping themselves be more methodical. Self-talks can also help us make decisions. And they are a very good way to relieve stress. Self-talks promote concentration and make you more productive. Because saying something aloud takes longer than just thinking about it. We are more aware of our thoughts when speaking. We tackle difficult tests better when we talk to ourselves in the process. Various experiments have shown this. We can also give ourselves courage through self-talks. Many athletes hold self-talks to motivate themselves. Unfortunately, we typically talk to ourselves in negative situations. Therefore, we should always try to be positive. And we often have to review what we wish for. In this way we can positively influence our actions through speaking. But unfortunately, that only works when we stay realistic!
Did you know?
Romanian is counted among the Eastern Romance languages. It is the native language of about 30 million people. These people live primarily in Romania and Moldova. Romanian is also the official language of the Republic of Moldova. There are also sizeable Romanian-speaking communities in Serbia and Ukraine, however. Romanian originated from Latin. The Romans formerly maintained two provinces in the region surrounding the Danube. Romanian is most closely related to Italian. Therefore, Romanians can understand Italians very well for the most part. The opposite is not always the case. This is due to the fact that Romanian contains many Slavic words. The phonology was influenced by the neighbouring Slavic linguistic area. As a result, the Romanian alphabet has a few special symbols. Romanian is written like it is spoken. And it still exhibits many similarities with the structure of ancient Latin … That is precisely what makes the discovery of this language so exciting!