
en Asking questions 2   »   bg Задаване на въпроси 2

63 [sixty-three]

Asking questions 2

Asking questions 2

63 [шейсет и три]

63 [sheyset i tri]

Задаване на въпроси 2

Zadavane na vyprosi 2

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English (UK) Bulgarian Play More
I have a hobby. Аз-и-ам -об-. А_ и___ х____ А- и-а- х-б-. ------------- Аз имам хоби. 0
Za--v-n- -------os--2 Z_______ n_ v______ 2 Z-d-v-n- n- v-p-o-i 2 --------------------- Zadavane na vyprosi 2
I play tennis. А- иг--- -ен-с. А_ и____ т_____ А- и-р-я т-н-с- --------------- Аз играя тенис. 0
Za-a-a-e ----ypr--i 2 Z_______ n_ v______ 2 Z-d-v-n- n- v-p-o-i 2 --------------------- Zadavane na vyprosi 2
Where is the tennis court? Къ-- има-----щ- за ---ис? К___ и__ и_____ з_ т_____ К-д- и-а и-р-щ- з- т-н-с- ------------------------- Къде има игрище за тенис? 0
A- ---- -h-bi. A_ i___ k_____ A- i-a- k-o-i- -------------- Az imam khobi.
Do you have a hobby? Т---м-- -и х-би? Т_ и___ л_ х____ Т- и-а- л- х-б-? ---------------- Ти имаш ли хоби? 0
Az i----k-o--. A_ i___ k_____ A- i-a- k-o-i- -------------- Az imam khobi.
I play football / soccer (am.). Аз --ра---у-б-л. А_ и____ ф______ А- и-р-я ф-т-о-. ---------------- Аз играя футбол. 0
Az --a- -hob-. A_ i___ k_____ A- i-a- k-o-i- -------------- Az imam khobi.
Where is the football / soccer (am.) field? К-д- и-а ------но -гри-е? К___ и__ ф_______ и______ К-д- и-а ф-т-о-н- и-р-щ-? ------------------------- Къде има футболно игрище? 0
A- igray-----is. A_ i_____ t_____ A- i-r-y- t-n-s- ---------------- Az igraya tenis.
My arm hurts. Р-ка-а--е---л-. Р_____ м_ б____ Р-к-т- м- б-л-. --------------- Ръката ме боли. 0
Az i-ray- -----. A_ i_____ t_____ A- i-r-y- t-n-s- ---------------- Az igraya tenis.
My foot and hand also hurt. Х-ди--т- - -ит--та---що-м- -о---. Х_______ и к______ с___ м_ б_____ Х-д-л-т- и к-т-а-а с-щ- м- б-л-т- --------------------------------- Ходилото и китката също ме болят. 0
A- i--ay- -----. A_ i_____ t_____ A- i-r-y- t-n-s- ---------------- Az igraya tenis.
Is there a doctor? Къде-има-лек-р? К___ и__ л_____ К-д- и-а л-к-р- --------------- Къде има лекар? 0
Ky-- --a -g-ish--e-za -en--? K___ i__ i________ z_ t_____ K-d- i-a i-r-s-c-e z- t-n-s- ---------------------------- Kyde ima igrishche za tenis?
I have a car / an automobile. А----а- к--а. А_ и___ к____ А- и-а- к-л-. ------------- Аз имам кола. 0
Kyde--ma--gri-h-h- -- ---i-? K___ i__ i________ z_ t_____ K-d- i-a i-r-s-c-e z- t-n-s- ---------------------------- Kyde ima igrishche za tenis?
I also have a motorcycle. Им-м-- ---о-. И___ и м_____ И-а- и м-т-р- ------------- Имам и мотор. 0
K-----ma-igr---che--a --nis? K___ i__ i________ z_ t_____ K-d- i-a i-r-s-c-e z- t-n-s- ---------------------------- Kyde ima igrishche za tenis?
Where could I park? Къде-и-- -ар---г? К___ и__ п_______ К-д- и-а п-р-и-г- ----------------- Къде има паркинг? 0
Ti i------i--hobi? T_ i____ l_ k_____ T- i-a-h l- k-o-i- ------------------ Ti imash li khobi?
I have a sweater. Аз ---- --лов--. А_ и___ п_______ А- и-а- п-л-в-р- ---------------- Аз имам пуловер. 0
T---mash li---o--? T_ i____ l_ k_____ T- i-a-h l- k-o-i- ------------------ Ti imash li khobi?
I also have a jacket and a pair of jeans. И-----ъщ- -к- ---ъ--и. И___ с___ я__ и д_____ И-а- с-щ- я-е и д-н-и- ---------------------- Имам също яке и дънки. 0
Ti-i---h li----bi? T_ i____ l_ k_____ T- i-a-h l- k-o-i- ------------------ Ti imash li khobi?
Where is the washing machine? Къде и--------н-? К___ и__ п_______ К-д- и-а п-р-л-я- ----------------- Къде има пералня? 0
Az --ra---f--bo-. A_ i_____ f______ A- i-r-y- f-t-o-. ----------------- Az igraya futbol.
I have a plate. Аз-им-- ч-н-я. А_ и___ ч_____ А- и-а- ч-н-я- -------------- Аз имам чиния. 0
A--i-ra-a-f---o-. A_ i_____ f______ A- i-r-y- f-t-o-. ----------------- Az igraya futbol.
I have a knife, a fork and a spoon. И-------- -и-ица и лъ-и-а. И___ н___ в_____ и л______ И-а- н-ж- в-л-ц- и л-ж-ц-. -------------------------- Имам нож, вилица и лъжица. 0
Az -g--ya f---ol. A_ i_____ f______ A- i-r-y- f-t-o-. ----------------- Az igraya futbol.
Where is the salt and pepper? К-д--и---с--------е- -ипер? К___ и__ с__ и ч____ п_____ К-д- и-а с-л и ч-р-н п-п-р- --------------------------- Къде има сол и черен пипер? 0
Kyde -m---utbo-n---g-i--ch-? K___ i__ f_______ i_________ K-d- i-a f-t-o-n- i-r-s-c-e- ---------------------------- Kyde ima futbolno igrishche?

Bodies react to speech

Speech is processed in our brain. Our brain is active when we listen or read. This can be measured using various methods. But not only our brain reacts to linguistic stimuli. Recent studies show that speech also activates our body. Our body works when it hears or reads certain words. Above all, words that describe physical reactions. The word smile is a good example of this. When we read this word, we move our ‘smile muscle’. Negative words also have a measurable effect. An example of this is the word pain . Our body exhibits a clear pain reaction when we read this word. It could be said then that we imitate that which we read or hear. The more vivid the speech is, the more we react to it. A precise description has a strong reaction as a result. The activity of the body was measured for a study. Test subjects were shown various words. There were positive and negative words. The facial expressions of the test subjects changed during the tests. The movements of the mouth and forehead varied. That proves that speech has a strong effect on us. Words are more than just a means of communication. Our brain translates speech into body language. How exactly that works hasn't been researched yet. It is possible that the results of the study will have consequences. Physicians are discussing how best to treat patients. Because many ill people must undergo a long round of therapy. And there is a lot of talking in the process…