
en To be allowed to   »   sv få något

73 [seventy-three]

To be allowed to

To be allowed to

73 [sjuttiotre]

få något

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English (UK) Swedish Play More
Are you already allowed to drive? Får----r-d-- ---a ---? F__ d_ r____ k___ b___ F-r d- r-d-n k-r- b-l- ---------------------- Får du redan köra bil? 0
Are you already allowed to drink alcohol? F-r-d- --d-n ----k- al-o-ol? F__ d_ r____ d_____ a_______ F-r d- r-d-n d-i-k- a-k-h-l- ---------------------------- Får du redan dricka alkohol? 0
Are you already allowed to travel abroad alone? F-r-du -e-a--å---e-s----t-mlan--? F__ d_ r____ å__ e____ u_________ F-r d- r-d-n å-a e-s-m u-o-l-n-s- --------------------------------- Får du redan åka ensam utomlands? 0
may / to be allowed f- f_ f- -- 0
May we smoke here? F---v- -ö-a --r? F__ v_ r___ h___ F-r v- r-k- h-r- ---------------- Får vi röka här? 0
Is smoking allowed here? Får -an rö-- h--? F__ m__ r___ h___ F-r m-n r-k- h-r- ----------------- Får man röka här? 0
May one pay by credit card? Få- m-n-b-ta-----d ko---k-r-? F__ m__ b_____ m__ k_________ F-r m-n b-t-l- m-d k-n-o-o-t- ----------------------------- Får man betala med kontokort? 0
May one pay by cheque / check (am.)? F-r--an ---------------k? F__ m__ b_____ m__ c_____ F-r m-n b-t-l- m-d c-e-k- ------------------------- Får man betala med check? 0
May one only pay in cash? F-r-m-- -a-a--eta-a ---ta-t? F__ m__ b___ b_____ k_______ F-r m-n b-r- b-t-l- k-n-a-t- ---------------------------- Får man bara betala kontant? 0
May I just make a call? Ka- j----å ----a-hä-? K__ j__ f_ r____ h___ K-n j-g f- r-n-a h-r- --------------------- Kan jag få ringa här? 0
May I just ask something? F-r -ag---ra -råga-om -åg--? F__ j__ b___ f____ o_ n_____ F-r j-g b-r- f-å-a o- n-g-t- ---------------------------- Får jag bara fråga om något? 0
May I just say something? Får j-g -ar---ä-a-n---t? F__ j__ b___ s___ n_____ F-r j-g b-r- s-g- n-g-t- ------------------------ Får jag bara säga något? 0
He is not allowed to sleep in the park. Han--å- -nte s--a i p-rke-. H__ f__ i___ s___ i p______ H-n f-r i-t- s-v- i p-r-e-. --------------------------- Han får inte sova i parken. 0
He is not allowed to sleep in the car. H-n --r----e -ova --bi--n. H__ f__ i___ s___ i b_____ H-n f-r i-t- s-v- i b-l-n- -------------------------- Han får inte sova i bilen. 0
He is not allowed to sleep at the train station. H-n-få--i--- s--a--å-s-ati----. H__ f__ i___ s___ p_ s_________ H-n f-r i-t- s-v- p- s-a-i-n-n- ------------------------------- Han får inte sova på stationen. 0
May we take a seat? Få--vi ta-p---s? F__ v_ t_ p_____ F-r v- t- p-a-s- ---------------- Får vi ta plats? 0
May we have the menu? Kan v- -- ----n? K__ v_ f_ m_____ K-n v- f- m-n-n- ---------------- Kan vi få menyn? 0
May we pay separately? F-r vi be---a-------r-s-g? F__ v_ b_____ v__ f__ s___ F-r v- b-t-l- v-r f-r s-g- -------------------------- Får vi betala var för sig? 0

How the brain learns new words

When we learn new vocabulary, our brain stores new content. Learning only works with constant repetition. How well our brain stores words is dependent on multiple factors. But the most important thing is that we review vocabulary on a regular basis. Only words that we use or write often get stored. It could be said that these words are archived like images. This principle of learning is also true in apes. Apes can learn to ‘read’ words, if they see them often enough. Although they don't understand the words, they recognize them by their form. In order to speak a language fluently, we need many words. For that, the vocabulary must be well organized. Because our memory functions like an archive. In order to find a word quickly, it must know where to search. Therefore it's better to learn words in a particular context. Then our brain will always be able to open the correct ‘file’. But even that which we have learned well can be forgotten. In this case, the knowledge moves from the active into the passive memory. By forgetting, we free ourselves of knowledge we don't need. This is how our brain makes room for new and more important things. Therefore, it is important that we activate our knowledge on a regular basis. But that which is in the passive memory isn't lost forever. When we see a forgotten word, we remember it again. We learn that which we've learned before more quickly the second time. He who wants to expand his vocabulary must also expand his hobbies. Because each of us has certain interests. Therefore, we typically busy ourselves with the same things. But a language consists of many different semantic fields. A person interested in politics should also read sports papers sometime!