
en Subordinate clauses: if   »   mk Споредни реченици со дали

93 [ninety-three]

Subordinate clauses: if

Subordinate clauses: if

93 [деведесет и три]

93 [dyevyedyesyet i tri]

Споредни реченици со дали

Sporyedni ryechyenitzi so dali

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I don’t know if he loves me. Н--н-м----ли --ј -е с-ка. Н______ д___ т__ м_ с____ Н-з-а-, д-л- т-ј м- с-к-. ------------------------- Незнам, дали тој ме сака. 0
Sp-r-e--i-r-echye-it-i s--dali S________ r___________ s_ d___ S-o-y-d-i r-e-h-e-i-z- s- d-l- ------------------------------ Sporyedni ryechyenitzi so dali
I don’t know if he’ll come back. Нез------ал----- ќе с- -----. Н______ д___ т__ ќ_ с_ в_____ Н-з-а-, д-л- т-ј ќ- с- в-а-и- ----------------------------- Незнам, дали тој ќе се врати. 0
Sp-r-edn--ry-----ni--- -o-d-li S________ r___________ s_ d___ S-o-y-d-i r-e-h-e-i-z- s- d-l- ------------------------------ Sporyedni ryechyenitzi so dali
I don’t know if he’ll call me. Нез--м,-да---то--ќе--е п--ара. Н______ д___ т__ ќ_ м_ п______ Н-з-а-, д-л- т-ј ќ- м- п-б-р-. ------------------------------ Незнам, дали тој ќе ме побара. 0
N-ez-am--d-l----ј--y--sa--. N_______ d___ t__ m__ s____ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј m-e s-k-. --------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј mye saka.
Maybe he doesn’t love me? Дали-т-ј--а--с-и-- -е-са--? Д___ т__ н________ м_ с____ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а м- с-к-? --------------------------- Дали тој навистина ме сака? 0
N--zn--- ---- to--m---sa--. N_______ d___ t__ m__ s____ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј m-e s-k-. --------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј mye saka.
Maybe he won’t come back? Д--- --ј н-ви-ти---ќе--е-----и? Д___ т__ н________ ќ_ с_ в_____ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а ќ- с- в-а-и- ------------------------------- Дали тој навистина ќе се врати? 0
Nyez-a-, -a-- --- -ye saka. N_______ d___ t__ m__ s____ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј m-e s-k-. --------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј mye saka.
Maybe he won’t call me? Да-- --ј ----с-ина-ќ-----по--р-? Д___ т__ н________ ќ_ м_ п______ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а ќ- м- п-б-р-? -------------------------------- Дали тој навистина ќе ме побара? 0
N-ezn--- ---- t-- k--- --e vrat-. N_______ d___ t__ k___ s__ v_____ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј k-y- s-e v-a-i- --------------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј kjye sye vrati.
I wonder if he thinks about me. С- праш-в-м--дал----ј--исли на---не? С_ п________ д___ т__ м____ н_ м____ С- п-а-у-а-, д-л- т-ј м-с-и н- м-н-? ------------------------------------ Се прашувам, дали тој мисли на мене? 0
N--zn-----ali t---k-ye--y- -r-ti. N_______ d___ t__ k___ s__ v_____ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј k-y- s-e v-a-i- --------------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј kjye sye vrati.
I wonder if he has someone else. Се--р-шув--, дали --ј-има не-ој- друга? С_ п________ д___ т__ и__ н_____ д_____ С- п-а-у-а-, д-л- т-ј и-а н-к-ј- д-у-а- --------------------------------------- Се прашувам, дали тој има некоја друга? 0
Ny-znam, d-li to--kj-e-sy- v-a-i. N_______ d___ t__ k___ s__ v_____ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј k-y- s-e v-a-i- --------------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј kjye sye vrati.
I wonder if he lies. Се п-ашу-ам- --л----же? С_ п________ д___ л____ С- п-а-у-а-, д-л- л-ж-? ----------------------- Се прашувам, дали лаже? 0
Ny----m, d------ј kjy----- --b---. N_______ d___ t__ k___ m__ p______ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј k-y- m-e p-b-r-. ---------------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј kjye mye pobara.
Maybe he thinks of me? Дали -о- -ав--ти----и-л--на-м-н-? Д___ т__ н________ м____ н_ м____ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а м-с-и н- м-н-? --------------------------------- Дали тој навистина мисли на мене? 0
N-e---m,-dal---oј k--e--y- --b-ra. N_______ d___ t__ k___ m__ p______ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј k-y- m-e p-b-r-. ---------------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј kjye mye pobara.
Maybe he has someone else? Д--и --ј---ви-тин- --а-нек-------г-? Д___ т__ н________ и__ н_____ д_____ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а и-а н-к-ј- д-у-а- ------------------------------------ Дали тој навистина има некоја друга? 0
N-e-n-m- -----toј --y----- pobar-. N_______ d___ t__ k___ m__ p______ N-e-n-m- d-l- t-ј k-y- m-e p-b-r-. ---------------------------------- Nyeznam, dali toј kjye mye pobara.
Maybe he tells me the truth? Да---тој-н-в---ин- ј--ка---а вис-ина--? Д___ т__ н________ ј_ к_____ в_________ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а ј- к-ж-в- в-с-и-а-а- --------------------------------------- Дали тој навистина ја кажува вистината? 0
D-li -oј nav--ti---mye --ka? D___ t__ n________ m__ s____ D-l- t-ј n-v-s-i-a m-e s-k-? ---------------------------- Dali toј navistina mye saka?
I doubt whether he really likes me. Се-сомн---м- -али---в----на-му--е -----ам. С_ с________ д___ н________ м_ с_ д_______ С- с-м-е-а-, д-л- н-в-с-и-а м- с- д-п-ѓ-м- ------------------------------------------ Се сомневам, дали навистина му се допаѓам. 0
Da--------avis---a--y-----a? D___ t__ n________ m__ s____ D-l- t-ј n-v-s-i-a m-e s-k-? ---------------------------- Dali toј navistina mye saka?
I doubt whether he’ll write to me. Се с--н----- -ал--ќе -и-пи--. С_ с________ д___ ќ_ м_ п____ С- с-м-е-а-, д-л- ќ- м- п-ш-. ----------------------------- Се сомневам, дали ќе ми пише. 0
Da----o--n-vi--i-a-m------a? D___ t__ n________ m__ s____ D-l- t-ј n-v-s-i-a m-e s-k-? ---------------------------- Dali toј navistina mye saka?
I doubt whether he’ll marry me. С- -омнева----ал- ќ- ----ж--и -о -е--. С_ с________ д___ ќ_ с_ о____ с_ м____ С- с-м-е-а-, д-л- ќ- с- о-е-и с- м-н-. -------------------------------------- Се сомневам, дали ќе се ожени со мене. 0
Dali --- -av-----a--jye s-e-v--t-? D___ t__ n________ k___ s__ v_____ D-l- t-ј n-v-s-i-a k-y- s-e v-a-i- ---------------------------------- Dali toј navistina kjye sye vrati?
Does he really like me? Да-и м---е-на--с-и-а д---ѓ--? Д___ м_ с_ н________ д_______ Д-л- м- с- н-в-с-и-а д-п-ѓ-м- ----------------------------- Дали му се навистина допаѓам? 0
D--i to- --v-stin----ye--ye -r-ti? D___ t__ n________ k___ s__ v_____ D-l- t-ј n-v-s-i-a k-y- s-e v-a-i- ---------------------------------- Dali toј navistina kjye sye vrati?
Will he write to me? Д-ли -о- н--ис-ин--ќе м- пи--? Д___ т__ н________ ќ_ м_ п____ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а ќ- м- п-ш-? ------------------------------ Дали тој навистина ќе ми пише? 0
Dali-toј---v----n- ---e s-e-vr---? D___ t__ n________ k___ s__ v_____ D-l- t-ј n-v-s-i-a k-y- s-e v-a-i- ---------------------------------- Dali toј navistina kjye sye vrati?
Will he marry me? Дал- ----навис---- ќе--е-о--ни-с- ----? Д___ т__ н________ ќ_ с_ о____ с_ м____ Д-л- т-ј н-в-с-и-а ќ- с- о-е-и с- м-н-? --------------------------------------- Дали тој навистина ќе се ожени со мене? 0
D--- toј nav--tin- -j---my- po--r-? D___ t__ n________ k___ m__ p______ D-l- t-ј n-v-s-i-a k-y- m-e p-b-r-? ----------------------------------- Dali toј navistina kjye mye pobara?

How does the brain learn grammar?

We begin to learn our native language as babies. This happens automatically. We are not aware of it. Our brain has to accomplish a great deal when learning, however. When we learn grammar, for example, it has a lot of work to do. Every day it hears new things. It receives new stimuli constantly. The brain can't process every stimulus individually, however. It has to act economically. Therefore, it orients itself toward regularity. The brain remembers what it hears often. It registers how often a specific thing occurs. Then it makes a grammatical rule out of these examples. Children know whether a sentence is correct or not. However, they don't know why that is. Their brain knows the rules without having learned them. Adults learn languages differently. They already know the structures of their native language. These build the basis for the new grammatical rules. But in order to learn, adults need teaching. When the brain learns grammar, it has a fixed system. This can be seen with nouns and verbs, for example. They are stored in different regions of the brain. Different areas of the brain are active when processing them. Simple rules are also learned differently from complex rules. With complex rules, more areas of the brain work together. How exactly the brain learns grammar hasn't been researched yet. However, we know that it can theoretically learn every grammar rule…