
ku Firoşgeh   »   em Shops

53 [pêncî û sê]



53 [fifty-three]


Hilbijêre ka hûn çawa dixwazin werger bibînin:   
Kurdî (Kurmancî) Îngilîzî (US) Bazî Zêde
Em li firoşgehekî werzîşê digerin. W-’r--l-o---- for-- --o-ts--h--. W____ l______ f__ a s_____ s____ W-’-e l-o-i-g f-r a s-o-t- s-o-. -------------------------------- We’re looking for a sports shop. 0
Em li goştfiroşekî digerin. W-’r- -ook-ng-for-- -u-cher----p. W____ l______ f__ a b______ s____ W-’-e l-o-i-g f-r a b-t-h-r s-o-. --------------------------------- We’re looking for a butcher shop. 0
Em li dermanxaneyekê digerin. We’-e----k--g for-a-p-a-ma---- -rugs--r- (am--. W____ l______ f__ a p_______ / d________ (_____ W-’-e l-o-i-g f-r a p-a-m-c- / d-u-s-o-e (-m-)- ----------------------------------------------- We’re looking for a pharmacy / drugstore (am.). 0
Ji ber ku em dixwazin gogeke futbolê bikirin. We wa-- -o --y-- -oo-b-ll. W_ w___ t_ b__ a f________ W- w-n- t- b-y a f-o-b-l-. -------------------------- We want to buy a football. 0
Ji ber ku em dixwazin salam bikirin. We---nt--o -uy-sal-mi. W_ w___ t_ b__ s______ W- w-n- t- b-y s-l-m-. ---------------------- We want to buy salami. 0
Ji ber ku em dixwazin derman bikirin. W--w--t-to-b-y--ed----e. W_ w___ t_ b__ m________ W- w-n- t- b-y m-d-c-n-. ------------------------ We want to buy medicine. 0
Ji bo gokkirînê em li firoşgeheke werzîşê digerin. W-’re--o-k-n- -or-a -p-r-s---o- t- buy - -oot----. W____ l______ f__ a s_____ s___ t_ b__ a f________ W-’-e l-o-i-g f-r a s-o-t- s-o- t- b-y a f-o-b-l-. -------------------------------------------------- We’re looking for a sports shop to buy a football. 0
Ji bo salam kirînê em li goştfiroşekî digerin. We’-- -o--i-g --- a butche----op to---y----am-. W____ l______ f__ a b______ s___ t_ b__ s______ W-’-e l-o-i-g f-r a b-t-h-r s-o- t- b-y s-l-m-. ----------------------------------------------- We’re looking for a butcher shop to buy salami. 0
Ji bo derman kirînê em li dermanxaneyekê digerin. We-re--o---ng--o--a d--g-tor- ---b-y--edici-e. W____ l______ f__ a d________ t_ b__ m________ W-’-e l-o-i-g f-r a d-u-s-o-e t- b-y m-d-c-n-. ---------------------------------------------- We’re looking for a drugstore to buy medicine. 0
Ez li zêrkerekî digerim. I’- l-o-i----o- --je-e-l-----je---e----m--. I__ l______ f__ a j_______ / j______ (_____ I-m l-o-i-g f-r a j-w-l-e- / j-w-l-r (-m-)- ------------------------------------------- I’m looking for a jeweller / jeweler (am.). 0
Ez li wênekêşekî digerim. I---lo-king-f-r----h-t----u--m--- -to-e. I__ l______ f__ a p____ e________ s_____ I-m l-o-i-g f-r a p-o-o e-u-p-e-t s-o-e- ---------------------------------------- I’m looking for a photo equipment store. 0
Ez li pastexaneyekê digerim. I-- l-ok----f-r-- --n--ct-o-ery. I__ l______ f__ a c_____________ I-m l-o-i-g f-r a c-n-e-t-o-e-y- -------------------------------- I’m looking for a confectionery. 0
Ji ber ku dixwazim gustîlkekê bikirim. I ---u---- -l-- -- -uy a -in-. I a_______ p___ t_ b__ a r____ I a-t-a-l- p-a- t- b-y a r-n-. ------------------------------ I actually plan to buy a ring. 0
Ji ber ku li kirîna fîlmekê difikirim. I--c-u---y p--- t- b-y --r-l- -f--ilm. I a_______ p___ t_ b__ a r___ o_ f____ I a-t-a-l- p-a- t- b-y a r-l- o- f-l-. -------------------------------------- I actually plan to buy a roll of film. 0
Ji ber kuli kirîna pasteyê difikirim. I--c-u-l-- pla- -- bu--- --ke. I a_______ p___ t_ b__ a c____ I a-t-a-l- p-a- t- b-y a c-k-. ------------------------------ I actually plan to buy a cake. 0
Ji bo kirîna gustîlkekê li zêrkerekî digerim. I’--loo-i-g-for - -e-e-e- to-bu--a----g. I__ l______ f__ a j______ t_ b__ a r____ I-m l-o-i-g f-r a j-w-l-r t- b-y a r-n-. ---------------------------------------- I’m looking for a jeweler to buy a ring. 0
Ji bo kirîna fîlmekê li wênekêşekî digerim. I’m -oo-i-- --r a phot- -h-p to-b---- r-l- -f -ilm. I__ l______ f__ a p____ s___ t_ b__ a r___ o_ f____ I-m l-o-i-g f-r a p-o-o s-o- t- b-y a r-l- o- f-l-. --------------------------------------------------- I’m looking for a photo shop to buy a roll of film. 0
Ji bo kirîna pasteyê li pastexaneyekê digerim. I-----o-i----or-- -o--ec-io--ry--o-----a-ca-e. I__ l______ f__ a c____________ t_ b__ a c____ I-m l-o-i-g f-r a c-n-e-t-o-e-y t- b-y a c-k-. ---------------------------------------------- I’m looking for a confectionery to buy a cake. 0


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