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The quickest way to master Slovenian

Learn Slovene fast and easily with our language course ‘Slovene for beginners’.

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Learn Slovene - First words
Hi! Živjo!
Hello! Dober dan!
How are you? Kako vam (ti) gre? Kako ste (si)?
Good bye! Na svidenje!
See you soon! Se vidimo!

How can I learn Slovene in 10 minutes a day?

Slovenian for beginners is one of over 50 free language packs that you can get from us.

‘50LANGUAGES’ is the effective way to learn Slovenian online and for free.

Our teaching materials for the Slovenian course are available both online and as iPhone and Android apps.

With this course you can learn Slovenian independently - without a teacher and without a language school!

The lessons are clearly structured and will help you achieve your goals.

Learn Slovenian fast with 100 Slovenian language lessons organized by topic.