Pamati | Pirmā palīdzība | Frāzes iesācējiem

Hi! How are you?
Laba diena! Kā tev iet?

I'm fine!
Man iet labi!

I'm not so fine!
Es nejūtos tik labi!

Good morning!

Good evening!

Good night!
Ar labu nakti!

Goodbye! Bye!
Uz redzēšanos! Čau!

Where do the people come from?
No kurienes nāk cilvēki?

I'm from Africa.
Es nāku no Āfrikas.

I'm from the USA.
Esmu no ASV.

My passport is gone and my money is gone.
Mana pase ir pazudusi un mana nauda ir pazudusi.

Oh, I'm sorry!
Ak, piedod!

I speak French.
Es runāju franču valodā.

I can't speak French very well.
Es nerunāju ļoti labi franču valodā.

I can't understand you!
Es nevaru tevi saprast!

Can you please speak slowly?
Vai varat, lūdzu, runāt lēni?

Can you please repeat that?
Vai varat lūdzu to atkārtot?

Can you please write that down?
Vai varat lūdzu to pierakstīt?

Who is that? What does he do?
Kas tas ir? Ko viņš dara?

I don't know.
Es to nezinu.

What's your name?
kā tevi sauc?

My name is...
Mani sauc…

Thank you!

You're welcome.
Laipni lūdzam.

What do you do for a living?
Ar ko tu nodarbojies?

I work in Germany.
Es strādāju Vācijā.

Can I buy you a coffee?
Vai varu tev nopirkt kafiju?

Can I invite you to dinner?
Vai drīkstu jūs uzaicināt vakariņās?

Are you married?
Vai tu esi precējies?

Do you have children? - Yes, a daughter and a son.
Vai jums ir bērni? Jā, meita un dēls.

I'm still single.
Es joprojām esmu viena.

The menu, please!
Izvēlni, lūdzu!

You are looking pretty.
Tu izskaties smuki.

I like you.
tu man patīc.


I love you.
Es tevi mīlu.

Can I take you home?
Vai varu tevi aizvest mājās?

Yes! - No! - Maybe!
Jā! - Nē! - Varbūt!

The check, please!
Rēķinu, lūdzu!

We want to go to the train station.
Mēs vēlamies doties uz dzelzceļa staciju.

Go straight, then right, then left.
Ejiet taisni, tad pa labi, tad pa kreisi.

I'm lost.
esmu apmaldījies.

When does the bus come?
Kad nāk autobuss?

I need a taxi.
Man vajag taksi.

How much does it cost?
Cik tas maksā?

That's too expensive!
Tas ir pārāk dārgi!


Can you help me?
Vai varat man palīdzēt?

What happened?
Kas noticis?

I need a doctor!
Man vajag ārstu!

Where does it hurt?
Kur sāp?

I feel dizzy.
Man reibst galva.

I have a headache.
Man sāp galva.