© Aleksandar Todorovic - Fotolia | Hammam-e Ali Gholi Agha historic bath, Esfahan, Iran
© Aleksandar Todorovic - Fotolia | Hammam-e Ali Gholi Agha historic bath, Esfahan, Iran

ČíslaMost languages have number systems, and these can vary quite a bit. Scroll down to discover and learn interesting number systems from all around the world.

Väčšina jazykov má číselné systémy a tie sa môžu značne líšiť. Prejdite nadol a objavte a naučte sa zaujímavé číselné sústavy z celého sveta.

Kliknite na číslo

number container
[چهل و یک]‬


number container
[چهل و دو]‬


number container
[چهل و سه]‬


number container
[چهل و چهار]‬


number container
[چهل و پنج]‬


number container
[چهل و شش]‬


number container
[چهل و هفت]‬


number container
[چهل و هشت]‬


number container
[چهل و نه]‬


number container
