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© Tempestz | Dreamstime.com

Научите абецеду Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

Научите страна писма онлајн. Доступно је више од 40 абецеда.

Абецеде су неопходне за учење ако желите да читате и пишете на језику који учите. Они пружају корисне информације о звуцима слова у језицима и помажу Bам да звучите природније када говорите. Померите се надоле и бирајте између преко 40 абецеда да бисте сада почели да учите.

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ก ไก่ - ko kai - [k],[k̚]
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ข ไข่ - kho khai - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ฃ ขวด - kho khuat - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ค ควาย - kho khwai - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ฅ คน - kho khon - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ฆ ระฆัง - kho ra-khang - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ง งู - ngo ngu - [ŋ],[ŋ]
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จ จาน - cho chan - [tɕ],[t̚]
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ฉ ฉิ่ง - cho ching - [tɕʰ]
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ช ช้าง - cho chang - [tɕʰ],[t̚]
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ซ โซ่ - so so - [s],[t̚]
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ฌ เฌอ - cho choe - [tɕʰ]
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ญ หญิง - yo ying - [j],[n]
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ฎ ชฎา - do cha-da - [d],[t̚]
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ฏ ปฏัก - to pa-tak - [t],[t̚]
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ฐ ฐาน - tho than - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ฑ มณโฑ - tho montho - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ฒ ผู้เฒ่า - tho phu-thao - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ณ เณร - no nen - [n],[n]
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ด เด็ก - do dek - [d],[t̚]
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ต เต่า - to tao - [t],[t̚]
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ถ ถุง - tho thung - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ท ทหาร - tho thahan - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ธ ธง - tho thong - [tʰ],[t̚]
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น หนู - no nu - [n],[n]
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บ ใบไม้ - bo baimai - [b],[p̚]
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ป ปลา - po pla - [p],[p̚]
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ผ ผึ้ง - pho phueng - [pʰ]
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ฝ ฝา - fo fa - [f]
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พ พาน - pho phan - [pʰ],[p̚]
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ฟ ฟัน - fo fan - [f],[p̚]
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ภ สำเภา - pho sam-phao - [pʰ],[p̚]
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ม ม้า - mo ma - [m],[m]
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ย ยักษ์ - yo yak - [j],[j]
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ร เรือ - ro ruea - [r],[n]
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ล ลิง - lo ling - [l],[n]
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ว แหวน - wo waen - [w],[w]
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ศ ศาลา - so sala - [s],[t̚]
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ษ ฤๅษี - so rue-si - [s],[t̚]
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ส เสือ - so suea - [s],[t̚]
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ห หีบ - ho hip - [h]
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ฬ จุฬา - lo chu-la - [l],[n]
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อ อ่าง - o ang - [ʔ]
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ฮ นกฮูก - ho nok-huk - [h]