መሰረታዊ ነገራት | ቀዳማይ ረድኤት | ንጀመርቲ ዝኸውን ሓረጋት።

Hello! How do you do?
ብሩኽ መዓልቲ! ከመይ አለኻ፧

I'm fine!
ጽቡቕ ኣለኹ!

I'm not so fine!
ክሳብ ክንድዚ ጽቡቕ ኣይስምዓንን ኣሎ!

Good morning!
ከመይ ሓዲርኩም!

Good evening!
ከመይ ኣምሽዮም!

Good night!
ልዋም ለይቲ!

Goodbye! Bye!
ሰላም ኩን! ቻው!

Where do the people come from?
ሰባት ካበይ እዮም ዝመጹ?

I'm from Africa.
ኣነ ካብ ኣፍሪቃ እየ ዝመጻእኩ።

I'm from the USA.
ኣነ ካብ USA እየ።

My passport is gone and my money is gone.
ፓስፖርተይ ጠፊኡ ገንዘበይ ድማ ጠፊኡ።

Oh, I'm sorry!
ኣየ ይቕሬታ!

I speak French.
ፈረንሳ እየ ዝዛረብ።

I can't speak French very well.
ፈረንሳ ብዙሕ ጽቡቕ ኣይዛረብን እየ።

I can't understand you!
ክርድኣካ ኣይክእልን እየ!

Can you please speak slowly?
በጃኻ ቀስ ኢልካ ክትዛረብ ትኽእል ዲኻ?

Can you please repeat that?
በጃኻ ከምኡ ክትደግሞ ትኽእል ዲኻ?

Can you please write that down?
በጃኻ ነዚ ክትጽሕፎ ትኽእል ዲኻ?

Who is that? What does he do?
መን እዩ ንሱ? እንታይ ይገብር ኣሎ?

I don't know.
ኣነ ኣይፈልጦን እየ።

What's your name?
ሽምካ መን እዩ፧

My name is...
ናተይ ሽመይ …

Thank you!

You're welcome.
ምንም ኣይኮነን።

What do you do for a living?
ንምንባር እንታይ ትሰርሕ፧

I work in Germany.
ኣብ ጀርመን እየ ዝሰርሕ።

Can I buy you a coffee?
ቡን ክገዝኣልካ ይኽእል ድየ?

May I invite you to dinner?
ድራር ክዕድመኩም ይኽእል ድየ?

Are you married?
ዝተመርዓኻ ዲኻ፧

Do you have children? - Yes, a daughter and a son.
ቆልዑ ኣለዉኻ ድዮም? እወ ጓልን ወድን።

I'm still single.
ሕጂ ውን ንጽል እየ።

The menu, please!
እቲ ምግቢ ዝርዝር በጃኹም!

You are looking pretty.
ጽብቕቲ ትመስል።

I like you.


I love you.
የፍቅረኪ እየ።

Can I take you home?
ናብ ገዛይ ክወስደካ ይኽእል ድየ?

Yes! - No! - Maybe!
እወ! - አይኮንን! - ምናልባት!

The bill, please!
እቲ ሕሳብ በጃኹም!

We want to go to the train station.
ናብ መደበር ባቡር ክንከይድ ንደሊ።

Go straight, then right, then left.
ትኽ ኢልካ፡ ድሕሪኡ ንየማን፡ ድሕሪኡ ንጸጋም ኪድ።

I'm lost.
ኣነ ጠፊአ ኣለኹ።

When does the bus come?
ኣውቶቡስ መዓስ እያ ትመጽእ?

I need a taxi.
ታክሲ የድልየኒ ኣሎ።

How much does it cost?
ክንደይ ይኸፍል?

That's too expensive!
እዚ ኣዝዩ ክቡር እዩ!


Can you help me?
ክትሕግዙኒ ትኽእሉ ዶ?

What happened?
ታይ ተፈጢሩ፧

I need a doctor!
ሓኪም የድልየኒ ኣሎ!

Where does it hurt?
ኣበይ እዩ ዝጎድእ?

I feel dizzy.
ምድንዛዝ ይስምዓኒ።

I have a headache.
ሕማም ርእሲ ኣለኒ።