መጽሓፍ ሓረጋት።

ti ንዕሽቶ ዝርርብ 1   »   em Small Talk 1

20 [ዕስራ]

ንዕሽቶ ዝርርብ 1

ንዕሽቶ ዝርርብ 1

20 [twenty]

Small Talk 1

ነቲ ትርጉም ብኸመይ ክትሪኦ ከም እትደሊ ምረጽ፤   
ትግሪኛ ትግርኛ (US) ተፃወት ቡዙሕ
ከም ዝምችኣኩም ግበሩ። M----y--rsel--comforta-le! M___ y_______ c___________ M-k- y-u-s-l- c-m-o-t-b-e- -------------------------- Make yourself comfortable! 0
ከም ግዛኹም ርኣይዎ[ይሰማዕኩም]! Ple-se,-fe---right-at-h---! P______ f___ r____ a_ h____ P-e-s-, f-e- r-g-t a- h-m-! --------------------------- Please, feel right at home! 0
እንታይ ኢኹም ትሰትዩ? What --u-d---u--ike-t----ink? W___ w____ y__ l___ t_ d_____ W-a- w-u-d y-u l-k- t- d-i-k- ----------------------------- What would you like to drink? 0
ሙዚቃ ትፈትዉ ዲኹም? D- you like -u---? D_ y__ l___ m_____ D- y-u l-k- m-s-c- ------------------ Do you like music? 0
ኣነ ክላሲክ ሙዚቃ እየ ዝፈቱ። I -i----------al musi-. I l___ c________ m_____ I l-k- c-a-s-c-l m-s-c- ----------------------- I like classical music. 0
ኣብዚ ናተይ ሰድታት ኣለው። T--se -r- my-CD’s. T____ a__ m_ C____ T-e-e a-e m- C-’-. ------------------ These are my CD’s. 0
ሓደ ኢንስትሩመንት ትጻወቱ ዲኹም? D---ou---a- ----sic-- in-t-u---t? D_ y__ p___ a m______ i__________ D- y-u p-a- a m-s-c-l i-s-r-m-n-? --------------------------------- Do you play a musical instrument? 0
ኣብዚ ናተይ ጊታር ኣሎ። T-is-i- my gu-t--. T___ i_ m_ g______ T-i- i- m- g-i-a-. ------------------ This is my guitar. 0
ምድራፍ ትፈትዉ ዶ? Do -ou -i-- -- -ing? D_ y__ l___ t_ s____ D- y-u l-k- t- s-n-? -------------------- Do you like to sing? 0
ቆልዑ ኣለውኹም ዶ? D- --u-h--e --ild-e-? D_ y__ h___ c________ D- y-u h-v- c-i-d-e-? --------------------- Do you have children? 0
ከልቢ ኣለኩም ዶ? D--y-u hav-----og? D_ y__ h___ a d___ D- y-u h-v- a d-g- ------------------ Do you have a dog? 0
ዱሙ ኣለኩም ዶ? D----u-h-ve-a cat? D_ y__ h___ a c___ D- y-u h-v- a c-t- ------------------ Do you have a cat? 0
መጽሓፍተይ ኣብዚ ኣለው። T-e-- a-- m- b--ks. T____ a__ m_ b_____ T-e-e a-e m- b-o-s- ------------------- These are my books. 0
ኣነ መጽሓፍ የንብብ ኣሎኹ። I--m-c-rrently-r--din- t-i- book. I a_ c________ r______ t___ b____ I a- c-r-e-t-y r-a-i-g t-i- b-o-. --------------------------------- I am currently reading this book. 0
እንታይ ምንባብ ደስ ይብልኩም ? W-----o y-u--ike--o-r-a-? W___ d_ y__ l___ t_ r____ W-a- d- y-u l-k- t- r-a-? ------------------------- What do you like to read? 0
ናብ ኮንሰርት ምኻድ ደስ ይብልኩም ዶ ? D- yo- -i-e--- -o--o--------s? D_ y__ l___ t_ g_ t_ c________ D- y-u l-k- t- g- t- c-n-e-t-? ------------------------------ Do you like to go to concerts? 0
ናብ ተኣተር ምኻድ ደስ ይብልኩም ዶ ? Do -o--l--e t--go t----- t-e-t---- -h-a--r (--.-? D_ y__ l___ t_ g_ t_ t__ t______ / t______ (_____ D- y-u l-k- t- g- t- t-e t-e-t-e / t-e-t-r (-m-)- ------------------------------------------------- Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)? 0
ናብ ኦፕራ ምኻድ ደስ ይብልኩም ዶ ? Do --u li-- -o------ the-op--a? D_ y__ l___ t_ g_ t_ t__ o_____ D- y-u l-k- t- g- t- t-e o-e-a- ------------------------------- Do you like to go to the opera? 0


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