መጽሓፍ ሓረጋት።

ti ሕቶታት ምሕታት 1   »   em Asking questions 1

62 [ሱሳንክልተን]

ሕቶታት ምሕታት 1

ሕቶታት ምሕታት 1

62 [sixty-two]

Asking questions 1

ነቲ ትርጉም ብኸመይ ክትሪኦ ከም እትደሊ ምረጽ፤   
ትግሪኛ ትግርኛ (US) ተፃወት ቡዙሕ
ተመሃረ ኣጽንዐ to ---rn t_ l____ t- l-a-n -------- to learn 0
እቶም ቆልዑ ብዙሕ ድዮም ዘጽንዑ? Do-th----u----s---a-n --l--? D_ t__ s_______ l____ a l___ D- t-e s-u-e-t- l-a-n a l-t- ---------------------------- Do the students learn a lot? 0
ኣይኮኑን፣ ቅሩብ እዮም ዘጽንዑ። No- t-------rn --li-t-e. N__ t___ l____ a l______ N-, t-e- l-a-n a l-t-l-. ------------------------ No, they learn a little. 0
ሓቶታት to-a-k t_ a__ t- a-k ------ to ask 0
ንመምህር ብዙሕ ግዜ ዲኹም ትሓቱዎ? Do y-u -ft----s--t-- ---c--r -u-s-----? D_ y__ o____ a__ t__ t______ q_________ D- y-u o-t-n a-k t-e t-a-h-r q-e-t-o-s- --------------------------------------- Do you often ask the teacher questions? 0
ኣይኮንኩን፣ ብዙሕ ግዜ ኣይሓቶን እየ። No, I -o-’t-a----i- --e------ ----n. N__ I d____ a__ h__ q________ o_____ N-, I d-n-t a-k h-m q-e-t-o-s o-t-n- ------------------------------------ No, I don’t ask him questions often. 0
መልሲ to-r-ply t_ r____ t- r-p-y -------- to reply 0
መልሱ በጃኹም። Ple-s- reply. P_____ r_____ P-e-s- r-p-y- ------------- Please reply. 0
ኣነ እምልሽ። I--e-l-. I r_____ I r-p-y- -------- I reply. 0
ሰራሕ to-work t_ w___ t- w-r- ------- to work 0
ንሱ ይሰርሕ ድዩ ዘሎ? Is -- w-----g --g-- no-? I_ h_ w______ r____ n___ I- h- w-r-i-g r-g-t n-w- ------------------------ Is he working right now? 0
እወ፣ ይሰርሕ እዩ ዘሎ። Yes- h--i--wo-k--g rig------. Y___ h_ i_ w______ r____ n___ Y-s- h- i- w-r-i-g r-g-t n-w- ----------------------------- Yes, he is working right now. 0
ምምጽእ t---o-e t_ c___ t- c-m- ------- to come 0
ትመጹ ዲኹም? A-e -ou c---ng? A__ y__ c______ A-e y-u c-m-n-? --------------- Are you coming? 0
እወ፣ ንመጽእ ኣሎና። Yes---e-----c-m-----o--. Y___ w_ a__ c_____ s____ Y-s- w- a-e c-m-n- s-o-. ------------------------ Yes, we are coming soon. 0
ምቕማጥ to-live t_ l___ t- l-v- ------- to live 0
ኣብ በርሊን ዲኹም ትቕመጡ? D--yo---i-e----Be----? D_ y__ l___ i_ B______ D- y-u l-v- i- B-r-i-? ---------------------- Do you live in Berlin? 0
እወ፣ ኣነ ኣብ በርሊን ዝቕመጥ። Yes--- -iv---n--e----. Y___ I l___ i_ B______ Y-s- I l-v- i- B-r-i-. ---------------------- Yes, I live in Berlin. 0


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